I just had to tell people who will understand -- but I just found a tick, on me -- nestled in and latched on, of all places, my bellybutton! Needless to say, the Tick Key doesn't fit in there, so tweezers had to be used. When I discovered it, I started leaping around the house, flailing my arms and shouting, "Tick! Tick!" Which of course caused a bark-a-palooza and Corgis racing to the windows, answering, "Where? Where?" I hate ticks. I check the dogs so carefully all the time, but I sometimes forget to check me -- won't make that mistake again. Argh. ARGH.

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I don't know about Florida and lyme. It's a real problem where I live, in Litchfield County, CT. The ticks are everywhere, and everyone I know (and probably 75% of the dogs) have had lyme more than once. Most of the docs up here treat it pretty aggressively too, because the outcome if you miss it can be so severe. I of course have major psychosomatic symptoms today....lol. Oddly enough, I have my annual physical next week (I'd been putting it off for months because of the scale!), so he can do the blood test then. But in the meantime, now I'm dreaming about ticks in suspended animation...coming ALIVE! hahahaha.
I have never had a tick on me or that I know of but I would freak as you had said. And that wonderul thought that John has enlightened us with is not making me sit easy either. lol
You have just described my wife's version of HELL.
ahhh...eww...sorry that happened to you! great story though, I can totally see myself doing something like that...and the dogs would be barking as well....
When I was on the farm I found ticks, but not here in town. My dogs and I don't go into tall grass or fields, just the yard and sidewalks...I have always thought ticks were not a worry in this situation. Is that naive? I have yet to find a flea on my pups either.
no, we never had a tick issue in Manhattan. But I live in NW Conn, and ticks are really really rampant up here. Even in the depths of winter, if there's a bit of a thaw, the ticks will emerge! I can't describe how much I hate them! But yay, my test for Lyme was negative. Phew.
What is a Tick Key?
A tick key is a great little device, a little piece of metal with a key hole shaped hole in the middle. You put it over the nasty nasty tick and it helps to lift/pull it off your (or the puppy's) skin without leaving any important head parts behind. It's not expensive, and many vets and small doggy toy/food stores sell them at their check out counter. Here's their official web site that also has a list of retailers. It works really well, even better than tweezers, I think -- unless the tick is in your belly button, that is.....
oh, okay. Thanks! I must get one right away... :)


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