Lockett, our 2 year old Corgi, is getting spayed tomorrow. I've heard that the dog's personality changes after they are spayed. Can anybody tell me what kinds of changes to expect from her, if any? I know each dog is different but what kinds of changes have ya'll experienced?

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A Corgi's personality is fully developed by 2 years of age and is primarily driven by genetics and training. It is a myth, or "old wive's tale", that spaying will change your dog's personality or intelligence. She be just as great a dog after she is spayed as she is today!
I agree with Charlie that it's a myth a dog's personality will change after being spayed or neutered. What may change however is that Lockett may mellow after about 4 - 6 weeks because her body will no longer be producing the hormones. It takes that long for the hormones to work their way out of her body. Same goes for a male being neutered. Their personalities don't change because of it. Their temperament may but not their personality.
My girl was the same after she was spayed. She was a little sick the night she got spayed and then she was fine. She was just as playful, we had to not play with her much and it was so hard. Mandy is so playful, we just loved on her as much as we could and tried to get her to not jump. She still has that fantastic personlaity though. I am sure Lockett will be great!! Keep us posted.
I think you will find her to be a bit more even tempered. All and all she will be just the same that she is now though you wont have the mess to deal with nor the concern that she will be accidently bred.
I just read that your dogs personality doesn't change , but stays the same .So if you get it done when she is a puppy she will always act like a puppy . If you wait a year or two then she will act more mature .This came from the book " Holistic Guide for a Healthy Dog" What are your thoughts ???
Yup everyone else hit it right on the dot on what I was thinking. An old wives tail/myth.

I think the puppy/mature thing may be a myth as well.. Its just your dogs personality over all if they act either way lol.

Don't be scared to spay her :) Your little girl will always be your little girl in the end... even after the cone.. and the booties.. and the constant calming down.. *huffs!*


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