I would love to know what people feel are useful as supplements, what symptoms should they help the Corgi with, have they noticed any improvements and lastly, do they recommend these supplements to others.

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My OC was butted really hard into a wall a few times by a goat several years back. It took her a long time to heal and she is ten now. The past couple of years, she has gotten arthritis in her hips and back and this past winter has been quite hard on her. I've been giving her glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM tablets since she was injured. I KNOW that they really helped her back then and I believe that is why she has done as well as she has for so long. I use velveeta or cream cheese to hide them in, too. She is on a constant diet because she can't exercise a lot or she gets so stiff she has to be carried at night, so that little cheese treat is snapped up before she even thinks to check it. She is also getting a baby asprin on the really bad nights as that was recommended by a vet.

I think I will try the fish oil and see if it helps any... this area is so dry, it couldn't hurt their coats anyway (we also have a border collie and OC's two Chihuahua/Doxie/ Corgi mix pups (Nasty little neighborhood Romeo... but there were never better loved pups!) The three of them have their own blog at Country Corgis on Blogger.. Come visit Corgi Country where the corgis tell the stories, sometime.
Adrian (11 years old in April) loves his fish oil! I don't even have to squeeze it. He fishes the capsules out of his bowl first and likes to bite them open! Also, if glucosamine is too expensive, Knox gelatin (in the canning aisle) is a good alternative and a fraction of the cost.

Over the course of his life, he's also had Duck eggs and was on a raw diet for a few years. He really thrived on the raw diet (was able to get cartilage from the joints of the chicken backs, etc.) but I wouldn't suggest switching to raw this late in life. The protein and enzymes can be rough on older digestive systems.
Petie is 13. We show horses and find dramatic differance in flexability and gait with use of joint supplements. Pete has been Dasuquin from the vet. It is the same as Cosuquin that I have used on horses. It has Glucosamine and Condroiton for lubrication and joint support. It also has MSM which is an anti-inflamitory. It comes in a chewable tablet, which must be yummy, because he can't wait to get it after breakfast. You have to use it daily, it's a maintenance, not a pain pill. I use Rimadyl ( which is a pain med simmilar to Ibuprofen) for occasional gimpyness, but worry about stomach and kidney problems with too much use of this drug. If you dog has pain, it's a wonderful med- use it! Just watch closely with your vet, and keep up senior exams. Also, brush teeth. Bacteria from infected gums settle other places and cause inflamation.
We feed Bunny the Wellness for seniors, which has the chondrotin and MSM and glucosomine as part of the formula. She also gets additional fish oil and twice a week chondrotin and MSM and glucosomine since she tore her ACL.
The Canidae food isn't really sold in many of the stores here in our area, the Wellness is.
Bunny also gets a wide variety of veggies. The vet gave a thumbs up to this plan to help her lose weight and keep her moving.


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