Hi all, we have a pup named Tank and I'm putting feelers out for different things that he can do to stay busy and get some exercise. I've never done agility with a dog, so I'm wondering if someone could enlighten me...
What are the time committments and costs involved?
Does anyone know where to go for classes? (especially something local - I live in Indianapolis, IN)
What are the benefits / pitfalls?
What else should I consider?

Thanks - maybe I'll see someone out there at an agility event someday!

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Agility is a great way to channel some of that puppy energy! How much time and cost do you want to invest? If you keep it casual and fun, weekly classes are good-if you want to add equipment at home (and have the space), then you can practice inbetween classes-with a youngster, keep it fun-no pressure! I'm sure there are classes in your area-check-out the facilities and talk to the instructor and students to see if that is the place for you and your pup before commiting to the class-I would start with a Puppy K class first though-it gives them a chance to socialize with other pups and people and it starts you with basic obedience-make sure it's Positive Reinforcement training-again, check-out your instructor ahead of time and drop in on a class to see how it is run--Have Fun with your baby-it's all about the FUN!
Agility is a great way to hone your Corgi's energy and intelligence! I wouldn't worry too much about doing a lot of actual agility training while he's still a puppy--their body is still developing, so you don't want to put stress on it. You can start with some basic obedience, teaching him sit, down, stay, come, etc. One game that is great for beginners is "Jump, Come, Cookie" which would have your dog jump over a jump at your side, as you pivot towards the outside, asking him to "Come" to your side. When he does come to your side, you treat him with a "cookie" or whatever his favorite treat is. You can do this without a jump, just to get him to learn to move with your body.

As far as time, that all depends on you--do you want to compete or just have this be something recreational? You can work anywhere from once a week to a few times a week, 30-45 minutes at a time (once they're older, you don't need to work them too hard or too long). Costs depend on where you take lessons and if you want to purchase equipment to have at home.

You live around Indy?? Lucky! I'm originally from there--living in Lexington, Ky., now. There are a few different groups in the Indy area--K9 Athletes is perhaps the biggest. Just do a Google search of dog agilty training in Indianapolis. There is an AKC agility trial in Lebanon, Ind., the first weekend of June at the Boone County Fairgrounds--it's put on by the Hoosier Kennel Club, and there will be a few Corgis there (including me and Dallas).


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