Out of curiosity.. I can't be the only one who has a special song they sing to their corgi =] You know, the one that calms them right down .. lol I always sing and play Bob Marley songs (particularily three little birds) and Louis lovesss it, he goes right to bed to them =]

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"The Little Dog Blues". Al and Gwynnie want to be famous. I'm shamelessly promoting them. (-:

The Little Dog Blues
"You are my Sunshine"
Mike and I like to sing: Eddy-Bo-Betty lives in the Serengeti, eats lots of spaghetti, soaks it up with bread-y... prett-ty lame.
I sing a lot of songs to Finn, whether or not he actually gets any enjoyment out of it is still to be determined. If I had to guess which ones he likes to hear I'd say "On Call" by Kings of Leon, "Ice" by Sarah McLachlan, "Hello" by Evanescence and... "Bear Necessities" from the Jungle Book. :)
My old cellphone's ring tone was set to CTU ring tone follow by the opening theme of 24. Whenever my packs hears that theme, they get excited and amplify it with their bark. I never miss a call while at home :)
My corgi, Tag, (bridge Feb. 09) used to lie under the grand piano whenever I played it. He
ran from wherever he was in the house to be with the music. And I'm not that good at


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