Dear Corgi Family,

I promised to post this for my breeder, the wonderful woman who bred Teggie. She has received a request from a family who have raised two dogs they got from her, but must place with another family. If you are interested, please contact me. The dogs are near Tampa, Florida. Here is the description of the Corgis:

Mandy was born July7,2005 to Harry Potter & Heather. She was one of 3 girl puppies and was curious and loving right from the start. Mandy weighed 22lb at her last checkup has a rich brown coat with black markings around her eyes. She is nimble & quick, very sweet, and loves to cuddle. Her name means friendly.

Cole was born July 15, 2005 to Harry Potter & Hazel. He was one of seven puppies and the only tri-colored in the litter. Cole weighed 39 lbs at his last checkup and has a mostly black coat with a few brown markings. He is all boy: He is vocal, loves the water & the dirt, and loves to be rubbed. If he plays in the water too much he may get an ear infection. He has a coarser coat than Mandy and has to be washed with the vet shampoo or he'll get a skin rash.

Mandy & Cole spend their days outside till dinner time. When playing fetch Cole may play a couple of times, but he mostly likes to chase Mandy once she gets the ball. She is much quicker than he is. Once he gets tired, he will sit and wait till she has almost brought the ball back and then he will chase her in circles. So much fun to watch! When they eat he plays the same kind of game with her and they fuss about who will eat first. Mandy never cares, but Cole loves to put on a show. After dinner they hang out with the family till bedtime then sleep in their kennels. Both have been fixed and are up to date on all vaccinations.

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Are these two still available? Our teenage daughter lost her best friend, April )beagle mix) in October. She is ready to open her heart again. Please email me at

Yes, I am checking with the breeder. Would you want to take both of them?

I will email you.


Possibly both, it soundls like they are very attached to each other. We are definitely interested in Mandy for my oldest daughter, she wants a cuddler. Cole might be perfect for our younger daughter (13). Do you know if they are just trying to place them in a good home or if there are fees involved? Please let feel free to give my email to your breeder. Do you know why the family they are with are giving them up?

Feel free to let them know if they are unable to place these two they may contact Sunshine Corgi Rescue. Some folks wish to place dogs on their own and some are open to the idea of surrendering to rescue. There is a link on the sidebar.


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