My heart is absolutely broken but here's the story...

My husband & I are long-time dog owners. We have 3 PWC, Buster, Carly & Sammy. Unfortunately Carly is sickly and has become very aggressive to our 2 year old, Sammy. She's attacked him with such ferocity that the vet thought Sam was attacked by a Coyote! I've tried keeping them apart but today someone let them into the same section of the yard. She went to Sammy and ripped him up again. Thankfully he's not going to need stitches... this time.

Sammy is my baby. He is loving, great with other dogs & children, even cats! He loves to go on walks and play fetch at the beach. He's neutered, small for a male, and very house broken. He's never had an accident in the house, and we got him at 8 weeks!

I am looking for a home for Sammy because I feel it is my responsibility to give him the best quality of life possible. He's a pampered indoor dog but with having to play musical corgis he gets put outside when Carly's in. Carly is too old/sickly to have any good chance at adoption so I have to sacrifice Sammy for his own safety.

He is purebred Tri-Color. My son wanted a beagle so we compromised on a beagle-colored Corgi. He's in excellent health but tends to be gassy. We've tried everything from Science Diet to Alpo with no change. After visiting three different vets they all say the same thing: it's just the way he is. He never eats people food except for cheese during training.

Sam LOVES being with people. He does tend to jump up and lick when he's excited but that lasts for less than a minute. He would be best matched with a person/family that has a stay-at-home member. I work from home and he just lounges at my feet all day. He's just getting out of his puppy stage so if he has no toys or gets bored he will chew. He's such a pleaser and so lovable that I was looking into enrolling him in therapy-dog training.

Sammy is NOT aggressive. I've trained him from the beginning to allow any person to touch his food or bowl at any time. At most he'll lick your hand until you move it, but most likely just nuzzle under your palm and try to get you to pet him while he eats.

He sleeps on his own dog pillow at the side of my bed. He was originally crate-trained but got a bit long to fit comfortably. We don't allow dogs on the furniture (to protect their backs) so we play and snuggle on the floor a lot but he is not used to being carried around. He's also been trained to stay on the porch. I let him out there when I'm working in the yard. This way he can see what's going on but I have confidence he won't run into the street or up to another dog.

Since we don't feed him human food he has also taught himself to go into the other room when we sit down for dinner. When he hears dishes in the sink he looks through the doggie door and waits to be invited back in.

If you are interested in providing a good home for a spoiled Corgi please write to me.

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Oh that is so mega-mega sweet of your husband!!! Hurray! All the puppies can be happy!!!!
Yay Sammy!
Thats got to be the saddest then the happiest story I have ever seen. I was sat here crying at the thought of you parting with your baby, then read on and was whooping with joy when I saw what a wonderful man you married !!

Fab news WTG your hubby!!
So happy for you all -- and may I say, wow, what a husband you have! Many Corgi hugs and kisses from us in CT.
Yay! What a happy ending.


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