We may be going on a really long car trip starting from Georgia heading towards New Mexico and Arizona to visit Boyfriend's parents. We will be taking my car (Honda Civic 07) and I'm at a loss of what I need to consider and need to purchase prior to the trip for my dogs (Freya, the corgi and Cloud the Weim).
Obviously, travel crates of any kind are out of the question as my seat may barely hold one--if that. Do I need to travel with vet documents? What kind of restraints should I try and find? What's the pros and cons to restraints? Are there brands that aren't corgi friendly?
Any help would be great. We will be heading out towards Late August or September time period as I believe I'll accumulate 40 hours of vacation buy that point. Their crates will be coming with us for whatever hotels (if we stop for one) and for the houses we will be staying at (as both parents have Weims and not sure how they would react to our dogs anyway.)