Shelbyville, KY: Pure Bred Corgis need rescue before coming to a crowded

Hello All,

Please do not hit reply as these dogs are not at the shelter yet.

I received a call today from a very nice man who is in Florida. He is there
because he has cancer and needs his treatments. He lived in Shelby County
Kentucky with his wife and they shared a love for Pembroke Welsh Corgi. In fact
they have 8 of them. There are 6 adults, 4 females and 2 males, and there are 2
puppies. All of these babies are pure bred. Most are red and white with a couple
that are tri colored. Sadly none are altered and vaccination information is

The owner's estranged wife had been taking care of these animals but she is now
in jail. There is a family that has been caring for them but they are leaving on

The owner's information:

Fred Krane

Please contact him directly if you can offer help for any of these dogs. Also
cross post to all the pure breed rescues and others that may be able to help.

Mr. Krane's biggest fear is that his babies will come to the shelter where their
fate is less then certain. They must be place by Saturday 8-29-09. Please help
if you can.

James Collins, Free Agent

This e-mail adress is used to
support the Shelby County Animal Shelter
and it's mission to make Shelby County a
no kill county..

You may always contact the shelter using
the following information:

Shelby County Animal Shelter
266 Kentucky St.
Shelbyville, KY 40065
Phone: 502-633-0009
Fax: 502-647-9214
E-mail: animal.adopt@...

Save a life. Spay/Neuter you pets or adopt a forever friend today!!

The Shelby County Animal Shelter and
the Shelby County No Kill Mission are
working together with local vets and other
animal groups to make Shelby County a No Kill County.
To learn how you can help the "NO KILL MISSION",
click the link below:

All donations are tax deductible. These funds
directly and immediately benefit only the animals at
the Shelby County Animal Shelter.

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I am confused, are they in Florida?
Apparently, they're currently in Florida, soon to be moved up to Kentucky if they're not rescued beforehand. The shelter in Shelbyville, Ky., is a no-kill, but it's overflowing, so that doesn't bode well for them.
Here's more info on how to surrender the corgis to Sunshine Corgi Rescue.
Sunshine Corgi Rescue is located in Florida, maybe they can help?


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