I'm just curious lol
ein's are that he takes every bowl he finds outside...if it fits out the doggy door
he sleeps with his head on a pillow and he drags his "junk" on people and smiles while hes doing it

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Zero's habit is whining while he hides his little treats if he doesn't want to eat them. Also he sometimes takes his food out of his food bowl and goes to the living room and drops the food onto the living room carpet and eats his food there.
Ha Nibbler does the same thing with bowls! Drives me crazy! But sometimes she brings them back in :). She also picks up a mouthfull of food and runs to the carpet and drops it, and *sometimes* eats all of it. Nibbler does corgi laps around the house, and when she finds someone while she's doing those laps, she'll jump against them to turn around and dash the other way.
Finnigan whines and barks at his food. It sounds more like talking than an actual bark. He does the same thing with treats. He's done that since we got him at 8 weeks of age.

Finn also does laps around the apartment, running between things where there is barely room for him and every so often throwing himself against the couch and bouncing off.

His newest thing is laying on the lower leven of the coffee table. He just started that this week. He's always layed at our feet with his chin on the table but aparently he just realized he could fit his whole body up there.

The only other one I can think of right now is that when we are sitting on the couch he will get up on his hind legs and put one paw on the couch and wave with the other. He'll lean back onto his butt and just stay like that, waving with a goofy look on his face. It's so cute!
This is interesting because I've only had my corgi for one week but I noticed that she has a fetish with her bowls too! After she's done drinking, she'll take her water bowl with her, empty or not, outside and just carry it around in her mouth even while she's peeing! She'll set it down when she needs to like when she wants to dig, but it has to be next to her...we thought maybe she just wants it near her in case she gets thirsty, but she never sets it down to drink from it.
Vivi seems to be scared of bowls being placed on the floor. Not sure why.. I think it has something to do with the sound since we use stainless steel bowls for him, but it's not loud, just a slight metal ring (they have anti-skid rubber stuff on the bottom). Also, he likes to jump up onto the back of the couch and lay down, and sometimes rolls upside-down when chewing on a toy. So far, we haven't noticed anything too strange.

Oh yeah, and when he fraps in the back yard, he runs straight at one of the block walls and skids and turns just in time only to run at another wall. But I think a lot of corgis do that.
This is funny and kinda weird but Finnigan just started doing this and I don't understand it.

The other day my husband came out of the shower and Finnigan and I were sitting in the living room. Jason walked in wearing nothing but a towel which was draped over his shoulder. Finn saw him and started growling, I mean seriously growling. he got low into stalking stance and started approaching Jason while growling. I told him to settle down but he wouldn't. Jason tried to call him over and when he lowered his hand Finn very cautiously approached with his ears back then fled to my side and continued to growl.

Jason did it again a couple days later and got the same reaction. We tested it and he won't growl if he is clothed with a towel on his shoulder or nude without a towel, it's only if he is unclothed with a towel in that specific position. ???? I don't get it.
Hehe that is weird! I just remembered one time when Vivi was right next to my husband, and my husband turned away to take off his glasses and set them on the table and when he turned back around, Vivi was frightened and jumped up. It didn't last long though once he realized it was still him.
Ha ha, silly dogs.Maybe they need glasses. :)
Ginny does a lot of the same things...she'll run laps around the house and bounce into people or jump up over things, or onto the couch while running full tilt (you know, cause she's gotta make it interesting, right?). She also does this thing when she gets excited where she jumps in 180 circles in one place. It's the most hilarious thing I've ever seen. She also likes to sleep with her head on a pillow. My favorite is that she knows where everything that is hers is in the house; so she'll go to the closet and whine if she wants a chewstick or she'll bring me specific toys when I ask for them.
Oh, I just found another funny thing that Vivi does. I already mentioned he likes to sit on the back of the couch, but another thing is he jumps halfway down, like with his hind end still on the back of the couch and his front paws on the seat part, and he stretches in that position. You know, the kind of dog stretch where their back legs are standing and their front legs are laying down and they stick their butt up in the air. It's really funny though. I think maybe it's because his back legs aren't long enough to get a really good stretch.
ein does that a lot on our couch and on the little doggy stairs my mom has for her bed, I know what he's doing but I still always think he's stuck for some reason


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