Dec 7th UPDATE
Just got confirmation from the printing press, the calendars will ship on 12/14/2009

Dec 3rd UPDATE
Thank you everyone! 11:24EST We've SOLD OUT all the calendars!

Dec 1st UPDATE
Looks like the calendars will be sold out before they ship, currently we have 15% left.

Cyber Monday UPDATE
Only 25% Inventory left!

Black Friday UPDATE

Pre-Order today, ships in 2 weeks. Thank you for voting! The votes were VERY VERY close this year ! So without further ado - here are the line up for 2010: Cover: Finbar Jan: Sidney Feb: Radar Mar: Owen Apr: Bently May: Fagin Jun: Steve Jul: Bailey Aug: Winston
Sep: Wendt Worth Corgis
Oct: Pooka
Nov: Gwynnie
Dec: Penny
Jan11: Roger

Thank you once again for submitting your photos and voting! If you have a favorite rescue that you would like to see the funds go to, you can give "special instruction" upon checkout. Those of you who bought the 09 Calendar knows how fast they go, so I strongly suggest you pre-ordering one TODAY. Again, Thank you everyone!

Old UPDATE 11/20/09
Pre-ordering will start sometime next week, there will not be a re-print, stay tuned!

Old UPDATE 10/17/09
Okay folks, here are the 30 finalist for the 2010 calendar, you may vote up to 14 photos, write down their names and submit to , Oct 24th is the deadline. Good luck to all!

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Old update 10/13/09
Voting starts this weekend, check your email later this week.

Old update 09-15-09
Submission closed. Voting begins in 2 weeks

Old update 08-28-09

Okay Folks, here are this year's rules:

1. ONE photo PER member
2. Dogs only
3. Horizontal photo
4. MINIMUM of 6 megapixel (2848 X 2136)
5. File size 3.2MB or higher
6. Rename your photo to DogName_CityAndState.jpg
7. Email to Subject: Calendar 2010
8. Deadline September 14th 2009

Photo tips:

1. Photos must be sharply focus (eg: eyes)
2. Keep a simple background, your dog will stand out more
3. Make sure indoor photos are well lit
4. Be creative
5. Get your camera and treats ready, have fun!

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First of all, we would like to thank all the members who've submitted photos and purchased the
2009 calendars! We had a great success and have raised over $1000. We have donated $700 to
Sunshine Corgi Rescue and have since saved $300 for this year upcoming partial printing cost. (yes, we fronted all the printing cost last year) We hope to sell even more calendars this year and to help other rescues around the country. Now that we are a 501c3 non profit charity, we have more ways to save on shipping and printing cost! Lower production cost = more money goes towards different rescues.

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I had trouble getting here. The link on the main page wasn't working for me. I had to do a search to pull it up, but we made it at last so no worries. :) I just sent our submission. Nothing like waiting until the last minute, but we had to narrow down the million photos we took over the last couple days. I hope we picked the right one! Please let me know if you received the photo and were able to view it ok. Thanks!

Got it! Thanks :)
Great. Thanks for letting me know. :)

I am submitting a photo of my dog Bear for the 2010 calendar.

I have to agree :) Chris got a cally from his mom last x-mas from a store and we lined them side by side. This sites (obviously) has more character and powerful pictures.
My biggest complaint about all Corgi Calendars is that while most of them say they are for Welsh Corgis, they end up being all Pembrokes and maybe 1 Cardigan picture if you're lucky. I think they should be more evenly dispersed. I love both breeds and want to see them both! I used to buy a Corgi calendar every year but they got to be so repetitive I gave up. I'm hoping to see more diversity in the 2010 calendar. I will gladly buy one every year. :)
OMG I cant believe we totally missed the deadline! Ive been busy with my newest arrival, he was born Aug 4th, just 5 days before my corgi's bday! I guess we will settle for buying a few callys and being more on point next year...Ive been out of the loop, how do i get them exactly??
There should be a vote and then a long wait while they make them with the winning photos lol. Then a post will appear with a link to the shop once we've forgotten about em.

Yea I missed the deadline too :( Just think you have a whole year now to prepare! :)
Hi MV!
The announcement should be at the top of the main page when the time comes to place orders. It should have a link to the ordering page, if it is like last year. These calenders are so pretty!
Any word on when the voting will start? Thanks!
It should have been this week, unfortunately we are in the middle of a move and the computer is inside the container. So hopefully we can get that resolve by next week. Sorry for the delay.


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