How to get your corgi into a bar:
Put on dark glasses, walk into the bar with your corgi.
If the bartender objects that no dogs are allowed, you look straight ahead into the distance, flash your best Ray Charles smile, and say, "This is my seeing-eye dog".
If the bartender incredulously objects, "That corgi is your seeing-eye dog!?" you rejoin, in surprise,
"They gave me a CORGI!?!?"

An insurance salesman wants to talk to a farmer. Farmer's wife tells him he's out back in the orchard, feeding the dog. There, the salesman finds the farmer with a small- to medium-sized corgi in his arms, awkwardly lifting the dog up to one apple after another, which the corgi munches appreciatively, right off the tree.
Dumbfounded, the salesman observes this spectacle until he finally remarks,
"Excuse me, mister.... don't mind my sayin' so, but that there is the durnedest way of feedin' a dog I ever did see. I 'spect it'd be a big waste of time feedin' a dog that way".
Pausing in mid-hoist, a look of dawning incomprehension slowly spreads across the farmer's face. "Time?" he replies. "Time? What's time to a dog!?"
[originally a pig joke, but we all take liberties with the truth.]
Corgi walks into a bar. Bartender peers over the counter. "Got any treats?" asks the corgi.
"Naw," says the bartender, "and we don't serve dogs here. Go away."
Corgi returns later. "Got any treats?"
"No. No dogs allowed in here. Beat it."
Corgi returns yet again, sponging for treats (behavior that will surprise no corgi owner).
Bartender, losing patience, exclaims, "I told you before, no dogs allowed in here. If I see yer furry little snout in here again, I'm gonna nail your tail to the floor."
And of course the corgi immediately replies, "Got any treats?"

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Next time someone notices your corgi and remarks, "...that's the kind the Queen has, isn't it?" you reply,
"Oh yes. This is one of them. Elizabeth often lets one or two of them stay with us in between visits. They like it here because the climate is nicer, and face it, it's dirtier and more interesting than Buckingham Palace..."
LOL I especially love the first one
Love the last one..totally my Charlie, he will flip his cong around and stare at me until I get him treats!


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