February Meetup - Sunday, the 14th (Valentine's Day!) 2:30 PM at Foothills Dog Park

Update: Ok we've pretty much decided to go to the Foothills Dog Park (57th Ave. and Union Hills) on February 14th at 2:30 in the afternoon. Let us know if this is good for you!

I know it's still January, but I think we should start planning next month's meetup early. It always seems like we make the decision only a week or two in advance, and that's not quite enough time for everyone to plan ahead.

What do you guys think about going a little to the West this time? I really want to bring Vivi to this meetup!

My husband and I are off Sunday and Monday. We might be able to make Saturday, but only if it's later in the day, like after 6...

Here's what we've been considering:

Northern Horizon Park (63rd Ave and Northern) - Two separate sides, with grass. This one looks huuuge! It makes up half of the whole park..

Foothills Dog Park (57th Ave and Union Hills) - It has two separate areas also, and some agility equipment.

Don't hesitate to give more suggestions!

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Hmm. Well, I'm off on Saturdays and Sundays all the time with my hubby having a weird schedule ( he works one day, off one, on, off, on, and then 4 off). So as long as it's saturday or Sunday mousse and I can go, Matt will have to be a bonus thing ;). Other than that, we usually go to chapparal, so it's fine by me to go out to your neck of the woods for a change. Is there anything close to Peoria and 99th? The parent in laws live near there so we could do a two for one trip :)
The Northern Horizon Dog Park is 11 minutes away according to Google Maps.
We haven't been to that Northern Horizon park before. You're probably thinking of the Horizon park on Frank Lloyd Wright and the 101. We met there once before and we had Finnigan's B-day party there in September.

We're willing to travel to the west for this meet up. I don't know any of those parks so I don't know what to suggest. I prefer one like the Chaparral parl that has a separate side for small, less active dogs because we always have a bad experience when it's just a mix of all dogs. Do you know if any of the parks are set up that way?

We have Saturdays and Sundays off so we can do that. If it's Sunday I think it should be earlier in the day like say 3pm or 4pm.
What about the Foothills Park on 57th ave and Union Hills? It got good reviews and has separate sides.
That's also a possibility. It's about the same travel time as to the Northern Horizon park.
Northern Horizon park looks and sounds ok too.
I have only been to the Roscoe Dog Park in Goodyear so far, and it was seperated, although all the dogs were on the passive side. There is sometimes information about different parks.. I'll have to look it up.
Ok, I looked at each park using the satellite view on Google Maps. It looks like Avondale Friendship Park doesn't have separate areas, but it also looks a lot less crowded. The PetsMart one does have two areas but there are a lot of people there (since it's right in the middle of Phoenix). It was kind of hard to tell with the Northern Horizon Park, but it looks like it's two, three or even maybe four different sections! It also looks huge, so I think my vote goes for this one..

Here's what the info on a website said: "Northern Horizon Dog, 63rd and Northern Avenues, has a large fenced-in play area, a play area for small dogs, water fountains, shade trees benches and waste stations. This is Glendale's largest dog park."
Yes, if you click on the link I posted for Northern Horizon you can actually get a description and pics for it and the Foothills park. They both have divided areas. One of those would be my vote. Foothills is closer for us but we could make it to either.
Yeah that's where I got the quote from, hehe. Foothills looks good because it has agility equipment which might be fun, and Northern Horizon looks good because it's so big. The Foothills one will probably end up being about 10 minutes farther than the NH park, but I don't mind.
Ok, it's February. It's time to start thinking about the date and time! I'm good on any Sunday after 2. The manager gave me a new schedule this week (not sure if it will last) that has me working until 5:30 PM on Saturday, so I'm not sure if that day would work for me.
Sunday after 2pm is fine. We could do 3:30 or 4:00. I just don't want it to get dark while we're there. This Sunday or next Sunday should be ok.


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