We have a pretty good sized back yard so we really don't take our corgis anywhere.  But I am curious to see where everyone takes theirs because I would like maybe a social ground..

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We usually stick around in our backyard too. It's big enough to play frizbee and get out the dog pool, but I'd like to get them more socialized with other dogs and people. But I want it to be people I know. I've had a bad experience at the local dog park recently and now I'm a little gun shy on those places.
Scott, we also had a bad experience at the dog park here in Omaha - Hefflinger. Our Sammie was only 6 mos old and was attached by 3 full-grown Snauzers. The owners did nothing to call them off. My husband kicked one of them so he could reach down and pick up Sammie. We haven't been back since.
We go to the Alliance dog park, we always make sure that there will be corgis we know before we go, there are some pretty disrespectful people at the dog parks though. When we get to Omaha we visit all the pet stores, and sometimes go play at the dog parks. We like to camp so we go to state parks sometimes.
My corgi is kind of shy. Loves adults but a bit afraid of kids. I used to do agility training with her at Bonafide Dog Academy but she got to where she was too scared for some reason. I think a really big dog tried to bite her once and she did not like it there anymore. So we don't really go anywhere now. She just hangs with the really old shitzu and has no one to really play with.
I won't go to the "big dog" side of the dog park up on Maple St. Two boxers attacked my Golden last year and their owner was a complete idiot. I would be willing to try the "small dog" side if some other Corgis were there. Henry is pretty shy at first (he's a puppy mill rescue, so he has some trust issues). There is also a dog park in Bellevue and the owners of the dogs there seem to keep much closer tabs on what their dogs are doing. I have only taken my big dogs there though - they don't have it divided by size. Walnut Creek in Papillion is great, but I usually only go there in the fall, winter, and early spring because the ticks are pretty bad.
I have heard horror stories about dog parks. The only thing that concerns me is Fleas. We had a terrible problem at our last house because the neighbors brought them. We treated our corgis and they are fine now. Anyone have flea problems from the parks?
We've never had a flea problem, we treat our dogs monthly for fleas and ticks, it seems to curb the problem.
Hefflinger's dogpark is definately our #1 place to go. It's nice and big and we have met a TON of doggie friends there. When we are looking for a nice walk we go to Elmwood Park/Memorial Park which is on Dodge right next to UNO. We haven't seen many corgis there, but we have met people that know people with corgis or get really interested in him. Lots of people come up to us, "Is that a corgi?! Can I pet him!?" and Sammy just loves all the one on one action. We have seen all sorts of dogs there as well. Sammy loves kids and there are play areas for them, so he thoroughly enjoys when one comes to pet him!! We don't make any lasting relationships there, but it's still somewhere to meet people and dogs and enjoy a nice walk with the pup. We make a long loop that is around 3 miles. We also live next to the Big Papio Trail and walk Sammy there because it's close and he gets lots of people stopping to pet him there as well. There is a dogpark in Bellevue, we have not been there though. Erik's sister and her fiancee live there and have a Australian Shepherd 6 months younger than Sammy. They have said it is quite small and congested. It is just one park and no small dog park, which is fine for them, but they said Sammy probably wouldn't like it as well. Unforuntately that is really all that I know of. Omaha's dog lovers are really gaining ground on other cities, but they are still a little behind what other cities provide for social dogs.
Oh and at the Nebraska Humane Society on Fort St. they have a Doggie Daycare which is AMAZING! We love it! It takes a little bit to get them entered, but once they are accepted it's worth it. It's $26/day and they are open Mon-Fri. Each day is a 12 hour day, they can be dropped off as early as 6:30am and picked up by 6:30 pm. They separate the dogs with big and small, each have their own indoor and outdoor areas. The small dogs get an hour to go play in the big dog outdoor area, too. Each have play things inside and outside (like kid playground things). They also do seasonal things, build snowpiles in the winter and pull out swimming pools in the summer. They play in the morning, and take a 2 hour nap, then play til you pick them up! The Humane Society will even give you a report card if you want one! It's so fun. It tells you who they played with most, among other things! Sammy has gone a couple times, especially with the past harsh winter! But he comes back tired for at least the next day if not more! It's not a way for us people to be social, but the dogs get to be good and social! It's hard to drop them off for a whole day without you, but when you pick them up and they pass out in the car, it's worth it!! Haha.
Sorry to ramble on! I do that alot!
Peckie turns into Hannibal Lecter when I try to take him to the dog park -- he's got on a harness and a muzzle. He goes absolutely nuts. I got him neutered a few months back and I may try again when it cools off a bit.

He's just fine when dogs come to his house or his yard, but if we go outside "his zone" he turns into a psycho!
So I take Garbanzo my Pekingese to the park with my parents' dog Mitzi.


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