Now that the nice weather is here (besides all this crazy rain) The Idaho Corgis should set up a meet and greet!! What do you all think??

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I think that would be awesome! Tucker has only gotten to meet two other corgis and only for a few seconds, so I'm sure he would love it!
I think that's a great idea, only remember where some of the Idaho corgis live! Some up North, some in Eastern Idaho! I think we'd have to do it in regions, SW, North, East, like the State Fair, huh?
We do have alot all over Idaho--I know alot are in and around Boise areas we could maybe focus around that for now and see how that will go and then maybe then we could schedule something more state wide.
I think Jax and Shorty have an interest in doing a meet and greet
we should have a meetup in Boise soon
I'm in Mountain Home and I am up for a meeting wherever. I would love for Kota to have a playdate!!
Ralph and Lucy are in if it is in the Boise area!
Lets sets up a date, time and place!! Put your input to see what would fit everyones schedule.
Well, I am booked solid on Weekdays until at least 5:30 but I think Jax, Shorty and I could swing any week day evening or weekend time!
Cooper and I would love to meet other corgis and their families! We're in Boise.

Ok, this spring we WILL get a "Corgi Picnic" going!  I think we should do like a lot of other areas do....have games & auctions to benefit CorgiAid ( )!  If ya'all are interested, I'll inquire with others that organize these and see what's involved, available and fun.


And not everyone on this list IS in Idaho so we're sorry you can't come.  Unless you're so inclined to fly out, that is!


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