I know that Louis's breeders didn't belive in the docking of tails, and so He was bought with one =] I've had a few people actully give me a hard time about it! saying that it wasn't "standard corgi" but Louis is ALL corgi..trust me.. lol

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George is amazing. So beautiful! Sidney has the same wooley sheep toy. Imagine that, half a world away!
We were told Josie is a Corgi/Pom mix. I think her tail is more like a pom's especially when she curls it over he back. But I guess it's hard to compare when you don't see conrgi tails too often. I think docking is cruel. How could you cut off that welcome waggin"?
I would never have guessed Josie was a mix!
Sidney is all Pem, and his tail curls over his back too. I love it!
Miko's breeder did not believe in docking, which is great, because neither do we. There are a few other Corgi owners on our street and they do comment about "wow, so that's what they look like with a tail!" Also, our breeder said that the Corgis like to use their tail as a rudder if they swim because they tend to kind of roll around when swimming. Miko has shown us his rudder skills, and will use his tail to keep upright!

Mauser was really tiny when he was born. My Breeder said he weighed only 4oz. She worked very hard to make sure he was going to make it. Around the clock she was checking on him and making sure he was eating. Because he was so little she decided to not have his tail and dewclaws removed. She didn’t want to cause any extra stress. I love corgi with tails, so I asked if I could have him. I’m lucky things worked out and we were a match. He’s still a puppy so I’m curious how his tail turn out. Right now he just loves wagging it! P.S, I’m curious about Fluffys. I’ve seen them before and I think theyre super cute! How does it happen? Can you find a fluffy in a litter of non-fluffys?
When I learned that Pembrokes actually do have tails but that they are almost always cut off when they are pups, I set out to find a breeder who does not have their tails docked. So first I found the right breeder, and then she had a two year old who had been returned to her due to family issues. I love Gracie's waggy little tail with the white tip. It makes her extra special.
I akin it to 'if your child was born with 6 fingers, would you cut a finger off'. the answer is the same- HECK no. tails are downright adorable :3 We call our corgi's tails their 'handles'

I see it has been a while since anyone has told their story here, but I wanted to comment because I love Pems with tails too.  I will admit that the "bunny butt" that natural bobs have is cute, but I could never imagine my Fae without her tail.  That big fluffy extension on the back end of my corgi just means more puppy to love!


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