Any Corgi owners here doing NaNoWriMo?
If so, is there going to be a corgi in your story? I'm looking for a way to work one into mine. :)

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My NaNo is going to take place in a doggy day care, so there will be corgis aplenty. Message me if you want to be writing buddies. This is my first time doing it!
Amagad, it's my first year too. My handle on the site is Mredria. :)
Wow, nanowrimo keeps sneaking up on me every year. I haven't had a successful november yet. But I'm going to try this year. There might be a corgi in my story, actually - there are plenty of dogs in it.
Anyone thinking of doing NaNoWriMo this year? Starts on Monday!
I'm planning on it!
I have often thought of participating. I have two lengthy fanfictions under my belt, and have an awesome idea for a corgi story. I just have to find the time and frame of mind to sit down to write! And brainstorm, of course!

Good luck to all of you who put down a story!
I'm doing it and I will plan to have a corgi in there somewhere. It's not a real book if there's no corgi! :)
NaNo is way too intimidating for me, but I have a book that's half done that I'm trying to finish by the end of the year. And yes, there is a corgi cameo!
There might be a corgi in mine but I'm not too sure. Haven't gotten that far in planning yet.


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