This was posted on Facebook today.  Thought I would repost it here.


I would like to thank each and every one of you who helped make our Picnic the most successful Corgi Picnic in the country. Vickie and I did the Agility demonstration for the 2nd year and appreciate all of you watching and listening to us. I ...gave a short plea for people to volunteer for Corgi Rescue here in Florida. Sunshine Corgi Rescue has help save hundreds of Corgi's all over Florida. There were dozens of rescue's in attendance this year and we need your help to save many more. Sunshine Corgi Rescue, because of the economic times, is swamped with unwanted and abandoned Corgi's. We have another problem, people, people make Sunshine Corgi Rescue work and our volunteer ranks are thinning do to illness, age and a number of other reasons. We have rescued over 60 Corgi's this year and have reached our breaking point. We need volunteers to do home visits, transports and most important fostering. Corgi owners know how our dogs behave and usually provide the best foster homes for our breed. This is not easy as the Corgi must be evaluated for aggressiveness, ability to get along with other dogs, kids, cats, etc. Another important area is to find homes for these dogs. You see we do everything we can to insure that the Corgi goes to the right home. We do take Corgi's back if the new home does not work out. You can email me direct at with questions or if you can help. Thanks in advance. 

Saving the World One Corgi at a Time

Volunteer Coordinator
Board Member Sunshine Corgi Rescue

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I would be really interested in helping out, but I live in TN. What could I do to help?

Sent you a friend request.  I live in Atlanta, but I'm working with Middle Tennessee Corgi Rescue.  We could definitely use your help, if you'd like to join us.  Fostering, shelter pulls, transport, home visits, whatever you want to do and feel comfortable with.  Rescue is based out of Murfreesboro, but we could use you no matter where you are in TN.  Can't count the number of times I go to East TN to do a shelter pull because we don't have any one in that area, and we don't have anyone helping us out in West TN either, which is an important area in terms of trying to help out with all the corgis in Missouri.


If you'd like to join us, send an email to our President, Tavia, at and tell her that you've talked with Nicole about volunteering with us.


Sunshine, sorry to steal your thread.  I got excited when I saw a TN person.  Read my reply below and let me know if you ever need any help with transport/home visits near Atlanta. 

Thanks Nicole.  Maybe you can contact Sunshine Corgi Rescue directly and perhaps arrange a network with them!  All these websites and Facebook contacts are a great way to get the word out!!
I live in Iowa, but my husband currently is in Ft. Myers, there anything we can do to help?
Kristin, I'm sure they would be happy with a donation too. But if you're on facebook, you might go to their fb page and "friend" or "like" them and then repost the link on your fb page. The more who get the message the better!!
Jennifer, wow what's he doing in Ft Myers?? I live in Naples just about 30 or so miles from there!!

Ditto to you, as to what I posted to Kristine!

I wish I could foster, but where I live doesn't allow it. So passing the word along to as many as I can is the way I'm trying to help. It just breaks my heart to hear about these little ones that get left behind for whatever the reason. You're doing such a great thing for Jackson, I know you know what I mean!!
My husbands visiting his dad....I'd love to foster but don't know if that's possible with us so far away!

Thanks about Jackson!! We just absolutely LOVE him...he is the greatest dog! He's zonked on the floor right now--I just picked him up from getting his teeth cleaned, and he's still a little groggy. Walking like a drunk sailor...but he made it through and seemed halfway glad to see me--think he's still a little mad at me....he'll get over it at treat time hopefully!
I just reread my post above about fostering not being allowed where I live. I actually should have said, I can't have more than two pets at any given time, so I'l already at my max! : ) Don't want to cast dispersions on my homeowners association! LOL!!

We're having great weather here right now so hope your husband is getting a chance to enjoy it!

Griffyn had to have a tooth pulled a couple months ago, and had his teeth cleaned at the same time, so I certainly know what you mean about the "drunk sailor walk"!!

I live near Atlanta, and have worked with rescue for 2 years now.  If you ever get any applicants in middle to north Georgia, I am willing to help with home visits.  I can also help with transports that go through the metro Atlanta area.


I'm working with Middle Tennessee Corgi Rescue right now, so if there's anything I can do to help, just let me know.

Thank you Nicole


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