Alright members, now it's time to get down to the serious subject of corgi hair. We need to come up with something to do with all this hair, A craft? pillows?, sweaters? Lets figure this out, and we can take over the world!!! (Unlimited free supplies!!!)

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Those last directions sounded the easiest. I am going to try felting, maybe...tomorrow..or the next day..I may make an itty bitty vest for new kittty....
I saw a woman on Flickr that made beads out of her corgi's hair... they didn't look all that stylish but it's a cute idea.
Dig THIS...

Now I don't feel so silly... there is a picture of a corgi on the page!!!
she has a bengal tiger as one of the "pets" she'll spin fur from - how does she get the fur???????? but awesome find, makes me feel like one with part of the fur pluckin' universe!
from the article, it says the tiger's handler brushes him frequently (like we do with our corgis) and saves the fur. Wonder if there is a Tiger Tuft Pluckers special interest group out there somewhere ;)
I feel fairly normal right now!
Whoa, this is totally hard-core..this lady is making a living spinning dog hair!!!! I feel very inadequite right now....
My first thought when looking at the pictures were... I bet she doesn't do this herself... she's got this little old ugly man in the back room spinning her a fortune in dog hair and cackling like a crazed loon!

That would have been a really cute name for her business:
Rumplestiltskin's Golden Spindle
Miracles spun daily

Um... she won't ask for our first born... will she??
i like the way u think - "she's got this little old ugly man in the back room spinning her a fortune", allright, so I got me the dogs,the kids, etc working on piling up the fur - where do I get me the little old ugly man who'll do all the work for me in the back room.........
Wow, what a great idea! I wonder if she earns enough from this business to support herself, or if she does this as a side project? Either way, very very cool. I was considering saving up River's hair to stuff a pet bed with (so it would smell like her), but now I'm not sure. Having some nice yarn made would be pretty neat!
How are everybody's vests coming along? I don't have any dogs any where in my family, except for a poodle owned by my cousins, so I can't get any fur. I hope I can make a badge, though...
We have officially hit the tufting weather this weekend. Trunk's hind end went from black to white as those tufts started working their way out. Anyone need some hair for their project?


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