What are your corgi names? and their nick names?

My corgis are Mocha and Vienna, we named them after coffee drinks, vienna is actually a blend of turkish coffee :)

Nick names:
harry butt, bunny butt, miss fatty, mocha latte, frappochino, vienna sausage, fat rabbit, double mint twins (when they're together)

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Here's their official names with nicknames (I left the breeder names off)


Brownie Scout     - Scout, Scout-A-Rama, Scoutish, ScoutT (our adventurer)

Starlett O'Hairy    - Star, Starlet, Starzey (breeder chose Star as her name)

Patchwork Spice  - Spice, Spicalicious, Spice Blanket Bingo (her potpourri of color)

Sunny Delight      - SunnyD, Puppy, Sunny (her color)

Quin as in - Quinacridone Gold a watercolor pigment because she is that color and it is one of my favorite colors to paint with.   Mostly I call her Quinie, or baby girl:)

HAHA that's TOO funny. I thought I was going to look crazy w/ my nick names but I can tell that all corgis just get the funniest nick names...




-honey bear


the list goes ON hahaha. 

Don't ask how I got these nick names lol, they just came out of my mouth haha.

name: Bugsy G Stubbs. I wanted him to have a "tough guy" name.

nick names: Bug-man, corgi, black sausage, welsh ham, bum... when he was a baby I called him Punkin Man, cause he was my little punkin & my little man. dorky, but he got all cuddly then...

My corgi's name is Sampson. 

His nicknames are:

1.  Burger (my boyfriend started calling him this several years ago and it just stuck...now he actually responds to Burger probably better than he does to Sampson)

2.  Fluff and/or Mr. Fluff

3.  Prince Burger


I haven't picked my corgi yet, but if I get a boy, his name will be Abbott; if I get a girl, Daisy.
update: We picked out our adorable girl today, and we named her Daisie - we already call her Daisie Maisie.
Name: Einstein- Nicknames-uglybutt(not by me), ein, hey!

My corgi's name is Winston. We call him by a few nicknames: Mini-Winnie, Winni, Fuzzy-butt, Sir Winston Rutherford the Third, Lil Win, Stinky-butt, and Whiska-Pup (because his whiskers on the left are white and on the right they are black!).


Mostly I call him Mini-Winni (Like the tiny under 24' Winnebago RVs lol) or Whiska-Pup.

Name: Scout



Corgi (Yeah, I like the name corgi and call her this quite frequently)

Cucumber (The best guess is b/c my friends' nickname for their human daughter is Pickle)


Baby (Another very frequently used name)


Little One

my corgis are ein (short for einstein) and saiya)


nick name: baby boy, baby girl, fluffy butt, lil bunny, drama king, cutie pie, cutie, mama girl/ boy. daddy girl. crazy/hyper puppy. pups, puppies, bat ears. tigger, einny. smarty pants. trouble(usually at the both of them)



My corgi is called Wilf and hes nearly 3 now. His nick names are : Wilfster, Mr Wilf, Lord Wilfington of Cardigan, Lowrider, smelly dog and my dad calls him wilfy doo dah!!!!


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