Okay, I'm not trying to be a party pooper here, but this is a serious question and I think it will be a good thread for some of us when that day comes. Could someone share their experience with us?

1. What are your options when it comes to burial? pet cemetery? backyard? Is there even a casket?

2. Is cremation even possible?

3. Is there a death certificate? Do you need to report anything to you local government? Anything else that we need to know about that you would like to share?

Thank you and I really appreciate your input in advance.

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I just watched "The Pizza Plan." How creative and enjoyable! Please do more. It is obvious that you love your pups very much. Thanks for sharing them. I can't imagine life without my Muff. So sorry that Duke had to go. I know you have so many memories. Thanks again for the sharing your babies with me. (:
Thank you! I lost my beautiful girl after Christmas, only 8, but she had a sudden auto-immune bleeding disorder. vonWillibrands perhaps. I am looking for another companion and feel a bit guilty for not waiting.I know it will be a bit before I find one. I know she can never be replaced, but we had a good life together. She loved me as much as I loved her and she would understand I miss the companionship.
I'm probably going to need to see a counselor after Hunter dies,
I have a very strong emotional attachment to him and I hold him responsible for mending my relationship with my boyfriend of now 5 1/5 years, back together during a really hard time in my life. I bought him as a gift to myself for graduation and because I was extremely depressed and some one suggest that an animal could help me.

I don't even want to think about life with out him >_/body>
Liz, I know how you feel. I lost my Basil about a year and a half ago and he was my best friend. I had a hard time reading this thread because of it. I'm still not over it. I have three Corgis now, but there will never be another Basil. He was there when I needed him most.
Liz, know how you feel. When I lost my 2 Shiba Inus on Thanksgiving day 4 years ago, I thought I would have a breakdown. With 3 kids at home, it didn't help my suffering any less. Amika was my saving grace, my shadow, my soulmate. My mother was dying of cancer and Amika was there to comfort me, even more so than my own family. They were grieving too and I'm very sensitive, but she kept me sane during the most difficult time in my life. I can't look at pictures of her, or her brother Rocket who died with her. It's still so painful. I have Roscoe and Penny who are both "special needs" dogs, Roscoe having very serious health condition. Can't stand to think of him leaving me though he's lived longer than expected. Afraid I might be in denial and expect him to live a long life. Plus my dear kittie of 13 yrs. went outside one day 2 months ago and didn't return.
Another trauma for me. I always say "we'll never have another pet!". Yeah, right. Take care.
A related issue here is when to get a new dog after your corgi passes. We waited about 6 months, contacted our Kai's breeder, but unfortunately she did not have any pups, nor any litters planned. She found us a litter that would be ready in 6 weeks, so we could really decide if we were ready. We planned on getting another b/w cardigan, but when we went to look at the pups, as I was having the time of my life with all the b/w girls -my daughter came around the corner with this little blue merle with a black ring around her sparkling blue eye. We were done for. 4 weeks later "Luna" came home with us, and our home and our pack was complete again - we will never forget Max and we bless him for leading us to our lunatic Luna.
When my pet guinea pig Pepper passed away, we just dug a hole in our backyard and buried her there. Same thing with our other deceased guinea pigs, Savory and Nutmeg.(Yes, we do name them after spices) at my local humane society, they offer putting down pets and cremation. We didn't report Pepper, Savory, or Nutmeg's death, just buried them. We have a kind of pet cemetery in our yard, with Our guinea pigs plus a dead chipmunk that got killed by our next door neighbors lawnmower.
A very sensitive subject for all of us who have lost our "friends". I've lost too many pets and only had my last 3 dogs cremated. Wish I'd have done that with my other pets. I want my "soulmate" a Shiba Inu named Amika and
her brother Rocket to be buried with me. Amika was my constant companion during my mom's terminal days and she was there to comfort me at the end of very long, sad days. I miss her to this day. The place that offers this service also has a cemetary for burial. Don't know if they use caskets. There are some facilities that bury your pets in a "community type" grave, all together. Guess you need to get information from different facilities. As far as certificates, I never received one, accept from our veterinarian, more of a sympathy card with paw prints which I still can't look at to this day. No notification to our township. We have well water and it is not recommended to bury pets or other animals too close to the source of your well, but as far away as possible, also need to consider wild critters to bother the site which is a difficult situation here in the country.
Living in the country as well presents many challenges when a pet passes away. My two GSD's are buried on the property. Somehow digging those graves helped immensely. Each grave contained their beds, which they were laid in and their favorite toy. The graves were planted with bulbs and each year at this time, come alive with color and bring a smile and tear.

There are no crematoriums, death certificates, or caskets. When you have your pet put to sleep or it dies while at the vets, you're expected to take the pet home or there is a local rancher who contracts with the local vets to pick up deceased pets and then buries them in mass graves on his property.

One thing I learned on another site was to do a scrap book filled with pictures and momentos, including a "tuft" of hair, baby teeth, pawprints, etc.

One thing I have done, now that I'm "maturing", is made provisions for Timmy's care if I procede him in death. My best friend and her husband will care for Timmy, and if they pass on, then another corgi friend of mine would take and care for him. I've written these instructions in my will and given both of them a copy. I've also included funding for either of them to keep Timmy in the style he's become accustomed too!!!! Last thing I'd want is for him to end up at the local pound or with animal control.

I don't even want to think of Timmy passing, but we both plan to live each day we're given to the fullest.
Sam this is a difficult question for me but I think it needs answered. When I was young my dad would bury our pets in the trees behind our house, it was on their property but isn't an area that anyone would ever build anything on or probably disturb. My parents had lived there for many years and were at a point they did not intend on ever moving so it made a lot of sense for them to do this. Now many of us, especially the younger you are, will live in many places in a lifetime. For example I live in a development and I cannot say that we will be living here for decades. If I buried my little guy in our yard I would be very upset over leaving him not knowing if the new homeowner would respect that he was there or what maybe would become of his grave.

The vet did give us a choice with Arthur for cremation, he could either have a community cremation or a private one and we would have his ashes. We chose the private cremation and my husband chose a white urn for his ashes. I don't have them yet so I cannot tell you anything more, other than we were told it would be 2 weeks. I can't even tell you a price, I haven't been able to bring myself to really look at the bill yet, it just hurts to see all the costs itemized out.

I think you might have also posted about pet insurance in another post, 2 months ago I would have been like oh is it really worth it. I can tell you now, it really is and not just accident insurance. Our little boy had 4 blood transfusions (his illness was not caused because of an accident), a bone marrow sample sent to University of Florida, numerous visits to the internal medicine vet and ER vet and costly medicines plus other tests and treatments, it is over $6,000, again not sure exactly how much over I haven't wanted to really look. I would have done about anything to make him well but it wasn't to be. I guess I am saying it can get very costly quickly and how horrible it would be if there was no money to pay which is something more people face with pets than their human counterparts.

It is something I will be researching for my other corgi, I want to make sure she always has the opportunity to be treated or cured because you just never know when they are going to get sick or how your finances will be at the time.

I hope you have many many many years before you ever have to make these decisions.
when my beloved tenaj and tucker passed i was lucky that my friend/co owner belonged to a rod and gun club and was able to bury them near the paths that they would take their walks. Tenaj went first but tucker always knew she was there he would always give a look at her spot, but now that my friend has passed and I have his dog. cremation will be the way I will go ....we never got any certificate or reported anything , it was done in our own private manner and only few know where they are. we even sprinkled his ashes over the site just to keep his spirit there.that we needed an ok to do since it was human ashes,
I don't like the BOX caskets they give you at the vet, and did not feel comfortable having someone else do it without me seeing and we can only hope it is really our beloved pets we are getting back .
My Chucky was euthanised at Friendship Animal Hospital in NW DC because his bodily functions were shutting down due to advanced degenerative myelopathy. The hospital referred me to a pet crematorium in Montgomery County, which had a full range of services. They gave his remains back to me in a beautiful little carved wooden box from Poland so I could keep him close by in the parlor. They placed a bronze plaque on it with his name, dates, and a personal epithet. I also purchased a glass plaque for a picture, his paw print and a tuft of fur. I will request the little box be buried with me when I go.


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