I spend a few weeks a year in London for work and I am always amazed at how many people don't know what a Corgi is when I tell them I have one. Also, on my last trip there I went through some towns and the coast in Hampshire and saw a ton of dogs but not one little fuzzy butt. Are they more popular in other areas of England? Just curious because I see them all the time in my town I thought I would have seen them in their homeland:-)

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I live in London and have never seen another Corgi. I think this is mainly because the Queen has them and they are notorious for being snappy and nippy. Due to this they are not very popular and have quite a bad press. There are corgi lovers out there, but I think we are spread out all over the country. For some reason they are more popular in the USA and although I have asked no one can or will answer as to why that is.
yeah I definitely get that question when I tell people I have a Corgi-"aren't they nippy and barky" Um, not mine and when they aren't cross bred (like the Queens) and are bred for temperament they are awesome dogs I tell them. It is a shame they don't get a better rap over there. I know mine would love it over there running in the fields without the heat and humidity we have here...he definitely wouldn't mind the English weather.
haha my fd , corgi are cute lovely dog ever! the like kid , my one will angry if i keep going out all day . she will not talk to me or kiss me , i need to go play with her or sit next to her like an hour to make her happy again !
i can say they 're fun & have very cool personailty !!!^^
hiya ! i live in greenwich ! blackheath is a lovely town for all the dog lover , in here have many area for my cogri running around !in greenwich park you can see everyone taking dog to there ! but everytime ppl saw my bubu they always said never seem any corgi around ! they know wht is cogri , only some kid said my bubu is a fox !!!!lol
m.... is lot ppl know them ....
is very hard too find a corgi to buy in london ! i was use 3 month to looking .....
hope we can meet your coorgi soon ! cus bubu never play with any other corgis !!!

^^ take care !!

yes i got the same happening all the time . ppl always say :look !!!!!!!! FoX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the stupid kid should know is Queen's dog ,even they dont know what is cogri .

anyway some nice ppl in greenwich park they know . they always said to me is hardy seeing cogri around this day lol

i would love to see more cogri in london too .

i see a lot of cogri in japan & hong kong ^^


We have a cardigan corgi and live in hackney. Most people think our cardi is a cross because they only know the queens pembrooks. There's one other corgi owner with two pembrooks in hackney who actually used to be a footman for the queen ...



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