I thought it would never happen to us! I have read all the posts on here about puppies getting diarrhea and felt so lucky because Grover has always been so healthy in that department!
Not so anymore. On Monday, I came home from work at 3pm to the most aweful smell ever in my house. Grover had had the worst case of diarrhea all in one corner of his crate (and on the carpet under that corner). This is unheard of, he never poos or pees in his crate!
Well, I gave him the pumpkin that I've seen suggested on here, and in a day or two it was better. It's back again today! I'm not sure what's going on! He's had a little vomiting in the past, but never this prob!
This is what I think it is, and I guess I just want to see if you guys think this is it too. We have been feeding Grover 3 times a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner. But starting on Monday, I thought it would be good for us to transition him to 2 times a day since I won't always be able to come home at lunch time anymore (new job). Monday is when this started. So he's been eating two larger meals a day and he now has runny poo. This is the reason, right? I'm thinking we are just going to have to switch him to three meals a day again and we'll just have work something out to come home at lunch.
Advice? I'll be feeding boiled chicken and rice tonight for supper. Hopefully that'll help him to feel better. What else can I do? If he isn't better by Monday, I'm taking him to the vet.
Poor Grover, he looks so freaked out when he goes poo and it isn't normal!!

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Grover is almost 6 mo. old-correct? He should be able to go to 2 meals a day.I know Kitty was on 2 a day at that age and was and still is,at over a year.I feed her one half cup of kibble per feeding and she is on Orijen(fish).How much are you feeding per meal? Poor little guy sounds tweaked out-they don,t like things out of sync,do they?
Yeah, he's 6 months old now. I'm feeding him 3/4's of a cup twice per day since Monday. I'm wondering if that's just too much food for him at one time. He often eats too fast, so we have to give it to him in two portions each meal so he doesn't just inhale it. I feed him Canidae, so that's a pretty good dog food. And he's been on it for about 2 months now.
He's still running around like a nut case and playing like nothings wrong. So hopefully some chicken and rice for supper tonight and the pumpkin will fix him up. Poor honey!!
Twice a day is fine for Grover. It may be that he is a tad stressed about the change in routine of you not coming home at lunch. Any chance he has had the opportunity to eat something different? Feeding different treats? Does he frequent places where many dogs go? If he is feeling fine you may just need to bring in a stool. If he is acting remotely different then a trip to the vet is a good choice.
Well, chicken and rice for dinner last night seemed to solve the problem, for now anyway. My husband also pointed out something that I hadn't thought about. Grover is terrified of Fireworks and all week people have been setting them off in our neighborhood, so maybe that has stressed him out. He FREAKS when he hears fireworks and is just a stressed out mess about it. So that could be it too. He seems fine today, so we'll see how he's doing when he poos this afternoon!
Other than the change in the number of times we feed him, nothing else has changed. One thing I will say is that we have been giving him training treats a lot lately, so that's another possibility.
I'll stick with the two times a day feeding for another week and see how we do on it. Thanks for all the advice guys!!


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