My 4 months old DouBao was sleeping in the living room since the day she arrived. I had been slept on the sofa bed with her for 1 month in the living room, then I moved back to the bedroom and she sleeps in the living room herself.

Our apartment provides really good heating in winter (25 - 27 C indoor temperature). I could tell she felt hot in the living room when I slept there. So I always keep the window there not completely shut up.

However, I read some book said that: It would be good for your dog to sleep with you in the bedroom, so it could have more time with you building relationship and it costs zero effort from you. Plus, dogs are pack animals and love to sleep with the pack members.

So, I tried to move DouBao to sleep in the bedroom for bedtime and even bought another crate for her there. Except for 2 or 3 nights, she always woke me up with heavy breath and has her mouth opened as I checked on her. Then I had to move her back to the living room crate, so both of us could have a good night sleep.

She will be in the living room crate for daytime. I really want to share the bedroom with her, but don't want her to feel uncomfortable.

Is it because of the new crate or new room for her?

Is it really helping of bonding by having the corgi share the bedroom?

Is it common that corgi feels hot indoor with the heating, or just mine? Plus, she prefers to stay in the balcony even when it was really cold outside...

Anybody have any idea?

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I can't say for sure what your pup (cute name!) is up to, but my corgi definitely is a cold-loving dog. She prefers winter to summer, likes lying in the snow and sitting out in the deck late at night in the winter. In the summer she lies on the tile floor by the air conditioner vent. She over-heats outside in summer, but won't self-regulate her play at the park when it's hot out, so we try to take her swimming whenever possible.

If she doesn't want to sleep with you, she's probably happy with the amount of time she gets with you. My corgi chooses to sleep in her crate in another room, while a different dog chooses to share my bed. They each have their preferences, just like people. If she's happy, let her be.

My Benson is definitely a cold loving dog too,he ,would rather be outside in the snow than outside in the summer heat,he likes to lay on the hardwood or tile because it is much cooler.My house is never kept warmer than 21'c year round, mind you I live up north so kind of used to living cooler,corgis come equipped with a pretty good cold weather coat so maybe yours is finding it a little warm,as for the sleeping in the bedroom,don't see anything wrong with it,Benson sleeps in the walkin closet in his crate(door left open).I put a baby gate at the door to the closet.I did try keeping him downstairs at night because it can be cooler,but he seemed to prefer to be near us,every dog is different.

Our little guy goes & lays in the bathroom on the coldest wall it has snow on the other side...  I also have a little bed for him next to the bed he can go where ever he likes:)))

Seanna will sleep in the bed for a short time, but she gets too hot and moves to the floor, or on the hardwood downstairs.  She is definitely "hot-blooded".


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