I know I've responded to other's posts recently about corgi cat relations positively. Well Becca decided she needs to be a bully. I just took away all bones. The cat was no longer able to walk through the living room if there was a bone on the throw rug. I wish the cat would just slap Becca sometimes (avoiding the eyes...). Mokey doesn't run, but doesn't take the offensive either. Why is it just when things have been going well the dog tries to change the rules.

The play is still at an acceptable level. The resource guarding is a problem. In Becca's defense she hasn't been overly aggressive, no snapping or biting. It is mainly body blocking, curled lips, and shoving with her nose. I just want to stop it before it goes further. I'm thinking pick up the things she is guarding and either only let her have them while in her crate or when she is with me on leash. Or..should I go totally NILF?

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As you know I had a recent bought of bad Frankie with the kitties. He was getting possessive of me and toys and chasing the cats constantly I just made sure he was leashed to me or I had a squirt bottle whenever a bone was around so I could squirt him when he growled or attempted to chase the cats. Cats are now happily playing again and Franklin is leaving them alone and responding to my normal leave-it command like he used to. Maybe she just needs some re-inforcement of the rules around the kitty cat.

I think you're right. I have been keeping close track of Becca today. Reinforcing good behavior and redirecting bad. Tomorrow we are doing a workshop with a trainer I really like. I'm going to ask her for tips as well. 


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