Hi all, I've had a corgi pup for over a week now (Bumblebee is 11 weeks old), and from day 1, he's been very consistent at pooing only outside. I have a grass area set up right outside the bedroom so that early in the morning, I'd let him out of the crate and he would walk outside and does his thing. He still pees inside more than half of the time, but for the most part, he pees on the potty pad. This week, I noticed that he had pooed 3-4 times inside the house on the carpet. It only happens during the day, not during the night or early in the morning. What frustrated me today was he woke up, went outside to the grass area, came inside, and decided to poo on the hallway carpet. I said "NO" and gave him a short timeout in the crate till he stopped whining. Can any long time corgi owner experts who have been there explain why this is happening and what I should do? I'm home a lot these couple of weeks so it's not like I'm not giving him enough attention. And when I am home, I let him roam around freely because I think he's pretty well potty trained for his age. But lately, he's losing my trust a bit.

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Im not a seasoned corgi owner- but i have had 3 dogs before Beckett (who is only 13 weeks old). We were having some problems with the house training as well- try rewarding him when he poops outside- give a small piece of a treat or verbal praise, as if he created wonder bread! Positive reinforcement is key when they are young.
Also, its advised that you dont use the crate as a way of punishing them. It will only make Bumblebee dispise the crate and associate it with negative things, as opposed to that "den" or safe feeling that they are supposed to associate with it.
Good luck!!
Lola ONLY poops after she does some sort of activity. She never goes early in the morning when she wakes up, or when she knows it's bed time. She will be running and playing and then all of a sudden stop, and poop. Don't know if this will help you at all, but good luck!! I hope someone has an answer for you =)
I am not a potty training expert- I can only tell you what worked for us. We take Vash out in the morning about 6am, after breakfast around 9am, and if we are home at lunchtime, then again at 5pm, after dinner around 8pm, then one last final bathroom break around 10:30-11pmish. The first few weeks, he did have some accidents in the house, all our fault for not taking him out sooner/enough. When we did take him out, as he would eliminate, we would say 'Good boy, go potty." And then give him treats and lots of praise. He now (this is about a month and 1 week later), goes when we say 'Go potty'. We don't give him the treats, but still praise him alot. Vash can hold his poop for a good while- he never goes potty in the house, even when we leave him at 9 in the morning and come home around 5. We do have some pee when we are gone this long- that is expected, 8 hours is a long time for a 16 week old pup. But he holds his poop, and yesterday he went ALL day without going pee or poo (boy did he have to go when I got home though lol- he ran right for the backyard.). So far, these things have worked for us, but it takes time, and there still is the occasional accident. And I've read on here that some dogs 'relapse' later on, so it's always an on-going process. Hope you can get some use out of what I've written- good luck!
ps- we also don't use potty-pads or newspaper. We originally used pine shavings because our breeder did, but got rid of them after a month because they were messy, Vash would eat them, and I think it actually encouraged him to go IN the house.
Thanks for the tips!! I guess I can't expect him to be all grown up all in 1.5 weeks! It's just he was so good when he first got here, and it's odd that he potties perfectly when he wakes up in the morning, but relapses throughout the day. I think I should start foregoing the potty pad, as much as I show him the potty pad every other hour, he would pee on the edge or on bathroom rugs. I do try to praise him a lot when he potties outside, but I'm wondering if there's such a thing as too much negative reinforcement? Even though I only reprimand him when I catch him in the act indoors, could all the "NO" make him forget the praises?
I have to second no pads... I was a sucker and used them for the first few weeks until Kuma got his first set of shots since he had nowhere to really use the bathroom that unknown dogs didn't have access to. Now I can't have ANY rugs or else they'll get peed on and I have a gut feeling that it was caused by letting him use pads.

Kuma is now 18 weeks and he still has an accident every once in a while (usually our fault for not taking him out), but his bladder is definitely growing as he can hold it longer and longer. We took him out nearly every hour until he was about 12-13 wks, then started waiting longer in between. We never let him roam for fear of surprises, though he's getting more freedom around the house as he becomes more trained.
Maybe I haven't been very consistent with taking him out as often as you all have. His whole day consists of eat, nap, play, nap, play, nap, eat, I take him out right after his nap since that seems to be when his accidents happen. As for poop, I still haven't quite grasp when he needs to potty during the day. I'm worried about moving in my new place because it has dark color carpet and I can't know he peed unless I step on it. That's why I was hoping the potty pad would save my landlord's carpet and my expensive pet deposit, :). I will have to keep him on the tile floor area till he's much more trained. I'll definitely try CorgiCapers' method. If the quick and dirty way works on your dogs, I sure hope it works as well on Bumbles.

One more question: my schedule varies day by day as a graduate student, so I may be gone anywhere between 2-6hrs. Where do you keep your corgi while you're away? In his crate? In a playpen? I currently keep him in a wire playpen but I'm thinking about connecting the crate to the pen so he has more room and can use his "den" more.
We don't have a consistent schedule either- it's a bit harder to potty train. I work regular hours, but my fiancee works in retail, so he works whenever. There are a few days during the week when Vash can't be taken out at lunch time, and I totally expect to find some kind of mess when I get home. The last two days, though, he managed to hold it! I'm so proud of him! We just make sure to take him out as much as possible when we are home, trying to keep the same times, or at least within 15 minutes. It did take him some time to become 'regulated'. He kinda had to go whenever, but now he is much better and the accidents in the house are pretty rare. We do keep him in his xpen- which is in the kitchen, and contains his crate. We keep him in there after he eats until we can take him out so he doesn't go in the house. This seems to work. (We also put him in there when we have to do chores and such-times when we can't keep a close eye on him.)
At 11 weeks they have very little control of their eliminations, it happens when it happens. This is part of the potty training process. He needs a regular routine of outings, very close supervision and more positive redirections. Putting a dog in his crate "after" the fact means nothing. Corrections need to be made at the time of the event. IMHO I do think using potty pads and trying to teach a dog to go outside is most confusing to a pup. Routine, consistency, timing and supervision is what will help. It really would be rare that a pup would be trustworthy in a home until they are near a year. Read housetraining 101 on my page. I think this will offer some information that will be useful to you.
Thanks for all the feedback. I'll read up your page Sam. I've been taking him out more often when I'm home and unfortunately the past 2 days I had not caught him pee inside the house, which is not possible because when I take him out to the big patio, he just roams around and chew on pine cones, not pee/poo. Now I'm wondering if he's sneaky peeing behind my back in the house, because where else would the water go, haha. Then again, I almost always keep an eye on him when I let him roam free indoors, the only chance he gets to "sneak" is the brief moment I walk from one room to another before he comes running after me. I haven't seen him done his #1 or #2 business outside the past few days except seeing poop outside on the patio early in the morning. By the way, he has completely avoided eliminating on my Home Depot sod & grass set up on the patio now. Since I've forgone the potty pad and haven't gotten the opportunity to praise his "right actions", I feel like it's worse off than when I first got him.


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