Hey everyone. I'm completely new to corgis, in fact, I just got my first one today. The addition of Captain Jackie, my pembroke, makes our household have 3 cats, and a dog. My question is: how has your experience been with corgis and cats? Jackie doesn't seem to mind them--in fact, she wants to play with our youngest, but they seem to be afraid of her. (How would someone be afraid of a little corgi?)
Will they learn to live with her? When we got our newest kitten, the other two cats just pouted and hissed until they got used to him. Will it be the same for Jackie?
Note that she seems to pose no threat whatsoever to the cats. She only chased our youngest one a little bit, but never attacked. She just wants to play, we think. She doesn't mind the cats one bit, in fact it doesn't seem like she even cares that they're there!

Any advice? Should I just wait it out and have them learn to like each other?

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Just wait it out, it won't take long!
In my experience, it seems corgis are natural cat companions. One person told me corgis get along better with cats than with other dogs.
Bruce (corgi mix) gets along great with both of our cats. Sidney (full Pem) respects our old cat but always wants to play "chase" with the younger one, yet never hurts him if he should happen to get close enough. He's always trying to herd them both; it's funny but he's a master at it!

Cats can be prima donnas when a newcomer is brought into their home, but they should get over it...in a month or so. Keep us posted how it goes :-)
I have just one cat, and a corgi puppy 3,5 months old. It was really bad at first, but now things are improving. Here is my blog post , and you can see what other people say. Cats finally get over it :)
My roomates have a kitty, and Kobi likes to follow her around the house and wrestle! She'll do a back flip and he'll get on top of her-- it looks like he's biting while she's meowing and screeching, but it's all in good fun.
hahaha, I think it's hilarious.

You can see some pictures of them together in my album. :)
Welcome, here's a link to previous discussion on cats and corgis.
i have had my cat about 18 and a half years now.. my dog Corkie is TERRIFIED of my cat. he will not walk past him he will not look at him he will not get in his way.. nothing.. its hilarious he makes this crazy face like get me out of here when he comes anywhere to close. Jaybe will go right up to the cat but isnt to interested. they are pretty good with the cat. :)


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