Hey All,

So about a week ago we got Murphy, a 2 month old Pemmy Tri Color (pics and such posted sooner or later - I promise) and we're trying to potty train him. We're crate training, and we've been experimenting but I'm ready to really put things in motion. His crate a standard size, and he's doing great with not going in the house (in a week we've had him, he's messed in the house 3 times and I think once was marking his new bed as his). He does, however go in his crate either at night or while we are at work/school. Any feeding/drinking/potty suggestions would be appreciated. We take him out when we get up between 6:30 and 7, then he eats/drinks, then we take him out before we leave around 7:40, and into the crate he goes. At lunch around 11:15 we take him out, we were letting him eat/drink, but now we're thinking about stopping that around lunch. We take him out before we leave around 11:45. Finally around 5 we let him out again, let him eat/drink, and then take him out whenever he has to throughout the evening. Is there a time he should stop eating/drinking in the evening? We go to bed between 9 and 1, usually closer to 10. We take him out just before bed, and put him in his cage for bedtime. Should we get up and take him out during the night at all? Looking for suggestions.

Thanks all, sorry it's so long.


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I would take away my pups food around 7pm and her water around 8pm. Maybe when you come home for lunch just give him a Kong with some kibble inside to keep him occupied for a while, then feed him dinner when you get home for the day. I usually go to bed at 10pm and Id take her out to potty right before I went to bed and then put her in her crate. Until she was about 4 months old Id get up and take her out in the middle of the night. Usually around 2am. Then I get up again at 6am and then its rinse, lather, repeat....lol. Then little by little Id let her out later and later in the middle of the night until she would make it till I got up at 6am. During the day when she was about your pups age I had to watch her like a hawk and Id take her out about every 30 minutes until I got to know her routine.When I took her outside to her potty area Id keep repeating " go potty.....go potty" and when she did I would give her a treat and lots of praise. Its exhausing but worth it. Soon she would squat even if she didnt have to go just to get a treat...lol Corgis are incredibly smart!!
I hope some of this helps you. Good luck. This too shall pass......so to speak.....lol
Now let me ask you this - did you give her a treat for EACH time she went potty? We do if he goes number 1 and number 2 - and only one time a day. We were worried about their effect on diet.

I would take healthy treats and break them up into little bits and yes I would reward every time she went potty. Worked great for us and she isnt overweight by any means. I was very careful to choose healthy treats tho and I would change them up....carrots, bananas, apples, organic ginger cookies, boiled chicken....things like that. I would offer her kibble as treats too but she seemed to get bored of that quickly.....lol. After a month or so I would offer treats less and less but kept praising her and now she doesnt get a treat at all to go potty. Oh....and one more thing. I always take her out on her leash to go potty and wait with her till she does her duty so I can praise/treat her as soon as she goes so she knows that what she has done is good. Before you know it Murphy will be whining at the door to go out! I also praise when she does that! Tell him what a great guy he is for asking out. I know this is long winded but its a huge step getting potty trained. Just stay consistent and it will happen sooner than you think. Good luck and congratulations on a beautiful pup!!!
Take a look at my housetraining 101 article on my home page. 2 months is very young to expect much progress. I think this will be informative to you.


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