Yogi is sooo greedy we're starting to wonder if we're not feeding him enough. I know corgis tend to love food but Yogi is beyond just loving food. Surprisingly he's not overweight. He weighed in at 28lbs on his 1st bday. He gets 0.5 cup of Canidae Grain Free twice a day. We give occasional treats usually fruit or veggies.
He stalks us when there's food present and began growling at the stove when food is being cooked. He does the most oddest things just to get near the food. I've started crating him during cooking and meal time. I have never seen a dog this greedy in my life. We were thinking that if we ever leave his canister of food out by accident, he would sit there and eat the whole 15lbs of food!! It's that bad !!

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you're the one who named him Yogi ;)

I guess try to correct him when he does it, or give him a dental chew or something he likes he can run off with while you're cooking?
You like the name? It was my husband's idea. :)
yeah, we almost named our dog Boo Boo, if it was a boy ;)
Corgis will eat themselves to death. His begging and wanting more food is normal w/the aroma's flying in the room..just tell him to go lay down.
Don't worry. Our corgi is as bad. Just give your dog a place to settle & tell him to go there while you cook. We have a kids size reclining chair where our dog sits while I cook & eat. She will look (stare) at us in the beginning, but eventually, she falls asleep. Good training for "stay". Just remember to praise them when releasing! :)
Thanks guys. I'm just amazed at how greedy he is. He eats everything. Stalking for food has become his job.
maybe you could use this to teach him "track". Its like a game, you hide food for them around while they stay in another room. He could do this while your cooking to preoccupy him.
Tucker is the same way and I've been wondering what to do to get him to stop. He is OBSESSED with food and I can barely get his food in his bowl before he goes crazy and then he eats so fast he sometimes gets hiccups.
Both of my dogs love food, but Ethel is definitely up there with Yogi in the obsessed category (by the way, I call her BooBoo Bear, so maybe she needs to meet Yogi!). I mostly ignore her and only give treats for other, good behavior, like lying quietly in another part of the room while I eat. But it cracks me up to see her snuggling up to the stove when there's a chicken roasting (with a look of bliss on her face as she soaks up the aroma...). She also snuggles near my feet when I eat my AM cereal in the hopes I might let her lick the bowl. She also sees the outside world as her personal smorgasbord, and crunches on acorn tops, hickory nuts, sticks, dirt and some things that are so old and gross I don't know what they were originally.
hahaha -- it can even be a little embarrassing. If Ethel wasn't at a good weight, people'd think she was starving! Bertie once cleaned off a series of picnic plates from some small boys sitting under a tree while they weren't looking. I think it took him about 20 seconds.
A corgi? Greedy for food? Do apes like bananas?
Meter his food. Adjust it according to his body fat. Anytime you meet a real corgi expert, ask them to feel his ribs and whether they think he's over/underweight.
I suppose there may have been an underweight corgi sometime, somewhere, maybe during the Potato Famine.
After reading all the corgi owners complaints about their obsession for food, I guess our Beanie at 11 years old is still very much the same. I thought as she aged, she would be less obessed with food, but not on your life.
I actually think thats a Corgi trait. We got her from the breeder and that is also what she said. She said give her carrots or fruit, something healthy. Beanie may be a touch overweight, but you can't take that trait away it seems.
Beanie the corgi's owner.


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