Here's kind of an addition to corgi intelligence, I think. My dogs use their noses like hands to get things, open doors, move objects, etc. I keep my dog food in the pantry, and I will sometimes tease Augie, and just open the door a crack. He will work that door with his nose, until he gets it open. He can also open the door to his crate if he wants to go in. Charlotte is the same way.

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Scout uses his nose to stir up blankets and situate them until he is comfortable! He uses his nose for everything, i.e. cabinets, like you said, and with this past snow storm that we got, he likes to use his nose to dig down really far into the snow and jump up and I guess "throw" it at our other dogs! (or at least it looks like he's throwing it!)
yep, our Corgi does this also. She will also take all of her toys out of her box to play with them and the only thing she puts back into her toy box is my husband's shoe. She is a mess!! They are soooooo smart!!
Back to what you said, our's also opens doors, she will also knock on doors if they are closed and she wants in by scratching softly at the door.
Charlotte really digs her nose in to the snow. I think that she is breaking a little trail for herself when it is too deep for her. My dogs also rummage through their kennels to find just the right toy or bone that they want. Before I vacuum, I gather them all up, and put them back.
My dogs also scratch at their blankets to make their beds just right!!
Boomer likes to stick her nose in the snow too! Sometimes she just sticks it there and keeps it there still for a minute.
yes! we always joke that we need to take him hunting for truffles : )
Both our girls like to use their noses to lift my hand so they can get scratched. That cold wet nose definately gets your attention. Both Lizzie nd Fergi will arrange blankets with their noses to make a little nest before laying down. Lizzie opens doors and pushes her ball under the sofa. Fergie will not push a door open. If it is not open enough for her to pass through she will just stand their and look at it.
I think the only dog I've ever lived with that hasn't used her nose is my brother's husky right now..

Roxi uses her nose for everything! but this husky actually uses her paws... very very into wrapping them around stuff and using them very well.. its odd.
Yes. I believe they use their noses as tools. Mine would use his nose to nudge me when he wants my attention.
Al & Gwynn use their noses to poke their airborne soccer ball, HARD. I'm amazed it doesn't hurt! Al's record is 6 pokes without letting the ball touch the ground. Like a trained seal.

Mostly they use their noses to find disgusting noisome things.

I met a bow hunter at a trailhead in the Washington Cascade mountains once. He remarked on my dog, and said someone he knew used to hunt BEAR -- back when this was legal -- with 4 CORGIS. "Good noses, not afraid, but smart enough to know when to back off." Hard to believe, but that's what he said, and no reason to be making up a tall tale. Hidden talents?
Bubba will be on the couch with me and start sniffing my right pocket knowing that's where I keep cookies. Occasionally he'll try to stick his nose in there for a better sniff. I've given him pieces of different treats before as we sat together and he'll nudge my hand to lick the remaining flavor off my hand and push it down to see if anything's hiding I haven't given him yet. Those noses are cold!!


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