
Something quite interesting has happened recently, and although it came a bit too soon..we're still happy.
Yogi's best friend become adoptable when his owner could no longer take care of her. She's been in temporary care (kennel) for a couple months and we became interested once we saw how happy the two were together. It was a bit of back and forth as to whether we would get her and it finally happened this week. Although not 100% prepared (more like 60%) we still plan on going through with it. I'd prefer to know she has a good home with her friend and Yogi would definitely be happy.
She's slightly over a year and we found out she's not spayed. She was once a show dog and owner had thoughts for breeding in the future. Surprisingly, her temporary caretakers have never seen her in heat. We were wondering if this would be a problem..keep in mind Yogi is neutered.
We're set with crates and food and lots of love and TLC...anything else we should keep in mind?

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Introduce them on "neutral" ground. He is still probably going to take some time to get used to having her around. Maybe some scuffles!

Good luck! Having two is wonderful!
I would make an appointment to get her spayed asap. Meeting on neutral ground is a grand idea. Also make sure they are fed in totally separate areas, confined. Corgis very often are most possessive of their food. Dont be surprised if in short order your new girl takes over. Girls are generally far bossier and more possessive then the boys. Dont leave them alone together until you learn they are very safe. At her tender age I can bet she has many puppy behaviors left. Being kenneled for so long may also lead you to beginning house training all over again. Good luck!
I wouldn't leave them alone together ever.
Atlas and Scout get along wonderfully, but every once in awhile they have a bit of a scuffle.
My childhood dogs (who live my parents) got into a fight, they lived together 12 years without a problem.
My parents were away on vacation, and I was watching them, I got to the house at the usual time they'd be getting home from work and found blood on the refridgerator and some of the cabinets. One dog got a nice bite behind his ear, but it didn't require stiches. Either way, I wish I was there to keep it from happening. A serious fight can change the dynamic between two dogs and their relationship may never be the same afterwards. You should always be there to step in in case a problem arises.
so far so good with the potty issues. i was told that she's very good with it. i did call the vet and recommend we spay asap. I'm hoping for sometime in the next couple weeks. She may be in heat soon according to what I read online..yikes!
hmm... if you think she HAS had a heat... from what I read, chance for certain cancer (I think its like breast?) goes up 12% (vs. if they got spayed before a heat), and for every heat after goes up another 12%. UNLESS! they get pregnant. Then it goes back down to zero. Do your own research, though. When you ask the vet what to do, make sure to ask what they would do if it was THEIR dog, cuz then they are free to answer with their opinion and not have to follow guidelines.

Vixen who is a schnauzer came home with me this afternoon. She bonded with me quickly and was quiet the ride home. My husband is out on business so there was no way for me to get them together on common ground initially. I brought Yogi out to the garage where she was and this was how they met. At first he was barking but then noticed it was her and got extremely excited. She wasn't up for it. She was more interested in sniffing the house and slowly made her way from one room to the other. I crated Yogi since he was wayyy to excited and she just ran from him when he came charging. He's really aggressive with his playing and sometimes I think he's a bully.
She hasn't barked as yet but makes lots of noises ..and I think it may rub off on Yogi who barks for everything. She's much more tame than he is and I'm noticing she'd rather spend her time with just me. Keep in mind she's usually as or even more social then Yogi at this kennel. I'm thinking she probably just wants to feel wanted again and loved by a human.. who knows.. I went to the store to pick up and few things (kept them crated). It seems she's warmed up a bit to Yogi but you'll hear a distanced yelp from Yogi if he tries to grab her bone. I'm not sure if they're playing but they seem to be chasing each other with the occasional jumping and nipping.
I assume so far so good. Not sure if shes happy but she wags her tail when I give her attention. It will take time for these two to understand theyre no longer daycamp buddies but actually brother and sister. Hopefully this calms Yogi down.



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