Bella had her second puppy combo vaccine today at 10 weeks old, and she's been acting a little "off" ever since. She's normally incredibly hyper and wanting to play constantly, but she's been sleepy most of the day, and much quieter even when she's awake. She also pottied in the house twice without even whining to go out, which is very unusual for her, and peed in her crate, which she's never done. She's eating and drinking okay, and she will play if I initiate it, but she just seems incredibly low-key... which I wouldn't mind, if I weren't worried about her! :)

She checked out just fine at the vet's, and had a clear fecal, so could all of this be a side effect of the vaccine?

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Sometimes vaccines do make puppies tired. She'll bounce right back. If you're worried, call the vet! I'm a worry-wart mom, so I do this when I feel like something isn't right and it doesn't go away after a couple of days.
Our little muffin has a bad reaction to his yearly vaccination. He has to have a shot of benadryl and dexamethazone to counter-act it.

I hope your little munchkin bounces back soon!
Yeah. This CAN be a normal reaction. I remember when Algy got his second round of vaccinations and I ended up having to take him to the ER during an ice storm because he wouldn't stop vomiting. I don't think you'll have THAT problem - his happened that night. I have known other kiddos who have just been very 'down in the dumps' but who have bounced back in a day or two.

I hope the pupster is feeling better!!!!


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