Isabelle will be 4 months this week, and she still has made little progress in regards to trying to jump up on the couch and beg while we eat. We always make sure we feed her before we sit down to eat, but regardless, in seconds her little paws will be on the cushion and she will be barking. We always promptly put her back down on the floor and tell her, "down". But she just doesn't get it. We have even tried rewarding her for sitting and not begging. Very rarely will she ignore us if we have food while on the couch (we don't have a kitchen table so that is not an option: do you notice they just accumulate mail? haha) When dinner time rolls around, she inevitably winds up being put in her crate for the non-stop begging and jumping. She is even doing this while we just try to watch TV, even after playing with her for hours on end prior. Any thoughts?

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The three of us eat at the exact same time, Eddy doesn't eat before or after us. I don't know if that would help. Also: are you trying to train her to never be on the couch, or just not be on the couch while eating/relaxing/watching TV? That may be confusing.
Thanks so much! I will try both bits of advice and see how it goes!
I have a little story to tell about this behavior. When Scout was a pup, he would jump up and snap at me whenever I was eating in a chair or on the couch. Sometimes, he would even do this when I was just sitting, reading (begging for attention?). He only did this with me, not my husband. It really drove me crazy, and I tried everything I could think of to get him to stop. One day, I reached my limit--I was reading a large, heavy book, and got really tired of his nipping. I just yelled "No"!, and threw the book on the floor (NOT at him, and it didn't even come close to hitting him). He stopped, gave me a look like "boy, I think she's serious"!, and the behavior absolutely ended from that time on! But actually, I think crating at meals is the best option. Scout still begs for food (our fault, because occasionally we give him treats), but we have been able to train him to lie down next to the dinner table, or to back off when we say "no more". Now, the biggest problem is that he drools on the carpet all during our dinner!
Keke is a nosy 4 mths pup, She will try to see what I am eating and walk away when non was offer. I made it a point not to feed her any of my food, no chips, no ice cream etc. She never barks, begs or whines cos she know she will not get anything :) Usually she will eat before us so she is not hungry when it is our turn to eat. But I will offer her a treat during my lunch time cos I do not feed her at noon. She will ony jump up the couch when I says "come on". I let her nap twice during daytime, about 2 hrs each. This clam her down a lot.


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