Ok i swear i have the smartest corgis ever!!! i have had them for a month, Abby is now 5 months (today) and Trevor is 4.5 months. They already have these commands down:

*Whistle(Come, Sit, Stay)
*Go Hurry Up
*Go In Your Crate
*Go in The Kitchen
*Ring the Bell
*Go Outside
*Shake (they just learned that today)
*Speak (Trevors got it! but abby isnt much of a talker)
*Leave it
*Hold (working on it)
*Get it (working on it)
*Whine (working on it)
*Growl (working on it)
*Wisper (working on it)
*Side (were they lay on there side) (Trevors got it)
*Belly Up (were they lay on there back) (Trevors got it)
*Roll Over (Trevors got it)
*Wheres your belly (they both have it)

Thats it, are all corgis this smart or are mine just extra special

I also have a loder dog who knows all thos plus like 15 more tricks...but i think you get the idea

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I think you have Corgis of average intelligence (which is pretty smart) and you are one of the smartest Corgi trainers ever! And of course they are also extra special. ; - ) Congrats on your successes.
Lol, I don't think my guys are half as accomplished as yours! They've got the basics down and they read my voice pretty well, but lol, maybe you should open a corgi training center!
Winston knows "sit" and that's about it.. I can't get him to learn anything else although I can make him all hyper and excited on command by yelling YAY YAY YAYYYY!
Cool! Have you tried getting them to whisper? We taught Moira to whisper and it's the cutest thing. We taught her by giving her the command to whisper and then imitating a soft woof. Good luck.
i taught my dog to whisper too. i did cause i couldn't get her to stop barking at night when i took her out. I just tell her "little" when she barks at something. It's funny
heheh awesome list! :) Good Job on the training!

Hmmm I think everyone feels that way about their own corgi... It just depends on how much time each individual puts into their pup and how well they know how to train.

So yes I agree I think being a Corgi you have a very very smart pup ;)
Gizmo also knows many commands like those, a few special ones i've taught him have been "hurry up"... when he's outside (off leash, we have a large yard on a dead end road with only 2 houses...so dont worry, he stays pretty contained even without a fence) and its time to go in, we say "in" and he goes walking to the front door, if i say "hurry up!" or "hurry hurry!" he Runs to the front door. He gives high five with both paws, and gives kisses on command with the word "kiss." He knows who "daddy" and "mama" are, and me and my brother by name. He learned much of those very early on.... however, I have never been able to get him to "roll over." He simply refuses. and when i try to physically roll him, all stops go out and those stubborn little corgi legs and muscles work extra hard to NOT roll over. Anyone else have this problem with roll over? How did you finally get past it, if you did at all?
I had the same problem with our little one but Moonmystic is a pet trainer for Petsmart and she figured out how to get our corgis to roll over. If you sent her a message I'm sure she'll be able to better describe how she did it.
Yesterday I tried Charlie with "Side" (roll onto one side) and "Over" (roll the rest of the way over, back into a down position). He got the motions yesterday. Today he did it without a treat lure. Next we'll have to work on me being able to stand up (instead of giving hand signals close to his face) and give the commands.

This YouTube video shows the technique I used:
You just roll them over super fast and freak out and congratulate them and give them a treat. Mine used to get super excited and forget what he was doing if we told him to roll over so we modified it to "BANG!!!" and "shot" him and he rolled over on his back and played dead. It's pretty freaking sweet... But yeah, roll over sucks to learn. I got bit a lot...
We used teamwork on this one. Taking turns (so nobody was the bad parent hehe) one of us would grab her front paws while she was laying down and roll her over repeating "roll over roxi! Roll over!" then the other gives her a treat when the roll was over... then doing it in the opposite direction.

Eventually she caught onto it but it took a looooooooong time.
I've created a monster. Charlie has learned in 3 days to roll over. Now when I say "Down" (not Over), he rolls 360 degrees and looks up like "Where's my treat?" Wish I had a video camera. Guess we have to back up now and reteach "Down". LOL


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