Hello Everyone,

I was just curious if anyone else thought that their corgi "frapped" more during a full moon? I've only had Stella for 4 months now, but I swear she fraps more during a full moon! There's one tonight, and she played and exercised ALL day and even played with other dogs, and I just took her out and she frapped like a maniac! The first couple of months, I thought it was just coincidence, but now it seems to be a pattern. Has anyone else has noticed this?

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I think I would agree "la luna" can bring out the best in our little buddies, but I would also consider"Full Moon Frapping" as a kick-butt rock band name too! Cheers!
OMG! Chloe has been super squirrelly this weekend. We couldn't figure out what had gotten into her. I'm starting to think it's the full moon. She just will not behave herself. She's spent most of the weekend in time out. She won't leave the cat alone, she's been nipping at our ankles, barking at everything- all the behaviors we thought she had finally outgrown. She's gotten herself so wound up she's thrown up twice this weekend. It has to be the full moon!


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