So for the past 3 weeks i have been using the crate method i leave him in for about 3 hours take him then have a good hour of play time but if i leave him out more than an hour he pees on the carpet i just feel like he isnt learning i also feel bad that he has to be in his crate that long ....i just wanted to know what was your method ?? and about how long did it take your corgi to learn???

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Are you taking him straight outside after taking him out of the crate?. I always told my dogs to "make a potty", as their verbal cue. Maybe you could try to anticpate when he needs to go, and get him out sooner. Maybe he needs to be confined to the kitchen, easier to clean up if he does go. I'm sure everyone else will have other good ideas for you.
Both of my corgis were close to 6 months before they were COMPLETELY potty trained. I read all the books, took them out every two hours, but they still had occasional accidents. Don't lose hope, they will get there! Give them lots of praise when they go outside, and keep a really close eye on them in the house. If it looks like they are looking for spot to pee, take them outside right away. And invest in a good odor remover spray for the carpet!
Take him outside after you wake him up or take him out of the crate
I am trying to do the same with my 9 week old male
No accidents today (so far)
my corgi is prone to bladder infections and so is my sister's. when they have them they'll go to the bathroom and not be able to hold it. you may want to have you corgi checked out - not sure if it's typical of the breed or if it is just a coincidence that both of ours get them....
We also crated mine... but he would be in his crate at night, he would get walked at like 11pm, and i would set my alarm at night for a few hours later, which was usually too late and both he and the crate needed a bath at that point, so the next night I would set the alarm earlier....eventually I was able to catch him in time... During the day when people were home and he was out of his crate, I would basically jumpt to take him out every time I noticed him sniffing somewhere for more than like a second at a time. I really think the key for mine was that we took him out verrrry often in the beginning. During the week, he eventually graduated from crate to being restricted to just the kitchen, then restricted to the upstairs, and eventually he was able to roam the whole house and be ok.

maybe dont crate him while your home with him. and if he has to pee every hour, then maybe you have to take him out every hour... at first at least, until he learns how to hold it longer.


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