Sally is our rescue we picked up in December.  She is 3 and we had her spayed May 10th.  She has been a lot more timid since the surgery.  She is scared of the storms, fireworks and any loud noises!  Anyway, yesterday we took the dogs with us for lunch at a friend’s house 1 hour drive away; they have a 14 year old dog and 2 cats (one of the cats loved Sally’s crate).  Everything went wonderful.  They all got along fine!  We noticed that Sally was squatting a lot at their house (outside), but just figured she was marking.  This morning on her walk I thought she was squatting more than usual so I started trying to watch what was coming out.  I think I saw dark color drops.  I know that it’s hard to tell for sure.  When she came home Sally drank lots of water and then wanted back outside right away.  She threw up her breakfast!! I figure it could be from drinking so much water after her walk, but we are watching her closely!  I think I will just wait until dinner to feed her.  I will call the vet in the morning. BTW:  Her nose is cool so I don’t think she has a fever. Does anyone have any other thoughts or ideas?

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Could be a bladder infection. If you have a thermometer, take her temp. Up to 102 is normal. If you don't have a thermometer just for the dog, it's not a bad idea to get one and have on hand. Beats having to find one on short notice. I keep a thermometer (marked DOGS ONLY), jar of Vaseline, and box of alcohol wipes in a small box just for the dogs. I take this with when we go to GA for the winter after Rocky was so sick two winters ago down there. Vomiting can be a sign of an infection somewhere also. I'd feed her very little, if anything at all, the rest of the day and let her tummy rest. If you feed her at all, just some boiled chicken and white rice cooked in water would be best and just a small amount. She won't starve in spite of what she might think.

We've had lots of storms here in Iowa the past week and my two are not fans of storms at all. Rosie doesn't like the alert on the weather radio either. Rosie spent last night in the closet with just her nose sticking out. I blocked her way under the bed since I didn't want to have to go under there to get her if we had to go to the basement. The closet was fine with her!! Rocky just wants to sit on your lap during the storm.
Drinking too much could've caused the vomiting. Take temp (use KY jelly as lube, its waterbased & less messy than vaseline). Keep an eye on her & if she continues to act funny or has a temp, a trip to the vet may be in order.
Are you saying she is more timid, scared of noises since the spay? Based on our own experience with major fears, storms and fireworks don't occur until May or later. Springtime and Summer are very scary times in the midwest! You may be attributing the fear to the surgery when it really isn't. I did have a dog who developed some timidity after two knee replacements, one after the other, but that is a much more traumatic surgery than a spay. I bring this up only because I don't want anyone to get the idea that spaying a dog can lead to unpleasant personality changes.
She has always been timid, so I don't think the spay is the cause, just set her back some. She vomited again in the afternoon after she had a drink of water, just before I was going to feed her a little, and also had a very loose poo(no dinner for Sally last night). I called and talked to the vet, he wants me to get a urine sample and bring her in this morning. So far this morning she is acting pretty normal and I didn't have to let her out in the night. It just seems things like this happen on the weekend and when things are not normal around here! Our roof is being done today and tomorrow, so I have been planing on taking them to work with should be a very interesting day. I will keep everyone posted. Thanks!
The Vet thinks it is a bladder infection, received a shot and 10 days worth of Cephalexin. We will know more tomorrow after the lab results get back. He didn't think she acted like her bladder was tender so hopefully no crystals!
Good, make sure she finish the Cephalexin. If it's indeed an infection, her white blood cell count should be pretty high. keep us posted and get well soon!
Have her checked for diabetes, my last corgi when he got sick he started drinking lots of water all the time and had trouble keeping his food down- and had potty accidents after awhile cause his kidneys were failing. But when we took him to the vet we found out he had diabetes - and that diabetes runs alot in the Corgi breed.. So please have her checked do not wait around till it is to late.. Or thyroid is another to have checked as well.. Good luck.. Hope your baby feels better soon..
Sally is not a big water drinker, she is very picky that it is fresh, but I have to encourage her to drink! We will know more after the labs come back tomorrow and the vet said we will re-check the labs when the Cephalexin is gone. Her PH was pretty high but the vet made me feel good that we will keep a very close eye on her. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it is nothing serious! She has kept her food down today and she hasn't had any accidents. She just lets me know when she need to go out. I will let you know what I find out. Thanks everyone.
If she's having bladder problems she will need to BECOME a big water drinker. We had to deal with that seeming impossible task. But we found a way to do it. Lilli scarfs her food in about 5 seconds. So I got her a Slow Feed bowl, one with dividers in it that make her work to get the food out, and then float her kibble in water. The only way to get all that food is to scarf down all the water, too.
So the vet called and Sally has crystals in her bladder. We have to change her food right away! It's only at the vet we can get it Royal Canin Urinary SO. She is to continue to take the Cephalexin and check labs again when it is gone. They said to watch to be sure the crystal don't block her from being able to go. Does anyone know what causes the crystals? It just seems strange to me that after this long she has developed them from the food she is eating...?
There are several types of bladder stones in dogs, ask your vet what type of chemical make-up were the crystals. Generally, struvite stones are composed of magnesium ammonium phosphate. there's also stones with calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, cystine and ammonium urate. So depending on what type of crystal, then you eliminate that food source, don't feed her high protein, it'll be hard on her kidneys.

The Royal Canin Urinary SO rx food have normal levels of proteins, magnesium, and phosphorous. Less protein means less urea, lower levels of these materials also decrease the quantity of crystals that can potentially be formed. Make sure she drinks plenty of water.
Would boiled chicken be considered high portein? That is what I am giving her meds in.


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