We have had Scooter for a week now, he is 9 1/2 weeks. The first night we had him, he had a few accidents in the house, which was expected. But since then he has been pretty good about potty training. We are crate training him. But today especially he has had several accidents. And one was in his crate too.  He whined like he does when he wants to go out but by the time we were able to get our shoes on he peed in his crate. And he had just gone out and went potty about 30 minutes prior to this and didnt have any water. He has been a pretty good boy lately too but yesterday and today he as been, for lack of better words, a butt-head. Just totally not acting like himself. Not wanting to listen (he normally comes when you call him) and nipping and fighting everything. Is this normal behavior? This is my first corgi. So I am not sure if this is normal for him or not. Could it be cause we changed his food? When we got him they were feeding NutroMax and we are swapping him to science diet. (had good luck with it in the past). With his old food he wouldnt eat very much of it. We started introducing the Science Diet and he LOVES it. (Esp. the canned, he inhales that. he only gets a 1/4 of a small can a day) When I mix in the Science Diet with his old food he picks out all the Science Diet and eats it. Since he is eating now, (mainly the science diet) he hhas filled out a little bit. Is there anything that I can do or should do? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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He may have an upset tummy from the change. Changing food can cause a change in bathroom habits, especially in the beginning. Mixing the food, slowly changing the ratio to the new food, is best. But it sounds like he is avoiding this by picking out the food. I'm not sure about the peeing though. Be patient, give him time, his body is growing and changing and he has to adjust.
You've only had him a week. You probly don't really know what his normal behavior is yet. Plus hes just a puppy. You have to remember he is physically unable to hold it, his bladder is too small. I just got a puppy too. He's about 10 weeks old now and he pees like 12 times a day. Sometimes hes super relaxed and just wants to cuddle, other times he wants to rip my hand off and play with it. Give him time to settle in and figure out his own personality. For potty training it helps if you keep him on a schedule. Don't always wait for him to wine. We take our puppy out every hour to every 30 mins depending if he ate our drank water.

So overall, I think its normal behavior.
We went throug this with Ginger when we got her home in September. She's 16 weeks old now, and up until about a week ago there were days when she would need to go outside to pee every 15-20 minutes. It was very tiring. She also has, what I call, mood swings. Some days she's a little angel, and others all she wants to do is chew on the things she knows she's not supposed to, bark at every little thing, and bite. I chalk it up to her being a puppy. I have found that if I focus on the good behavior and actions I generaly don't get as stressed out when she's having a bad day. Since you've only had him for a week, he's still trying to learn the new routine and get used to his new surroundings. Give him time, he'll settle in :)


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