We had Winnie spayed on Friday. When we went to pick her up (they require an overnight stay) she was just a happy puppy. Too happy in fact. Today we didn't give her any pain medication (though we have 2 days left) because this weekend she acted like her Frappy self. I am worried about the healing process as she has oozed a bit of blood a few times this weekend from jumping. We are really trying hard to keep her calm, but outside her crate she just wants to play and jump. Any ideas on how to calm her down?

Also, we have had a bit of a urination problem since the surgery. she peed on the rug right next to the door VERY unsual, and she is peeing in stages (2 or 3 times in one trip out) is that normal?

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The only way I know to keep an energetic Corgi pup calm, is to keep her in her crate except for frequent "potty" breaks on leash. It's not fun for her or for you, but better to be crated for a few days than to rip open a stitch and risk having the incision get infected. Take her out for several controlled short walks for a little exercise and to potty. I would think that the spay "area", being a little tender and uncomfortable, may be making her pee "in stages". Good news is, she'll be back to normal in a few days.
yeah it was hard to do that on the weekend, nice weekends are rare in Chicago. But during the week she is crated during the work day so she will hopefully have time to heal. I hope the pee problem will resovle itself she had been so good the last few months.
Poor baby! Ginny is supposed to get spayed next month and I know it will be fine, but I'm still just a very nervous mom. The vet we go to also offers laparoscopic surgery instead of the traditional method. I'd really love to do that because it is supposed to be less invasive or painful, but not sure how much more expensive it is. I still need to call and find out... Still undecided on that though. Lots of people say the "traditional" spay is not that big a deal for the dog, so I'm curious if anyone thinks a laparoscopic spay would be worth the extra cost.
Winnie may be oozing blood from her incision because she may be tending (licking) herself a bit too much. My boss includes any and all check-ups after surgery as part of the cost - your vet probably does also. As long as her incision hasn't opened or none of the stitches have been removed Winnie is most likely okay. You may want to go to the pet store to fit her for an e-collar (looks like an upside down lampshade) to stop her from licking herself too much and leave the incision alone.

You may want to keep Winnie on a leash that stays attached to you to keep her from running and jumping as much as she is. For the next 1.5 weeks Winnie needs to not jump or play roughly. Her peeing 2 to 3 times in one trip is normal. The position she has to hold during that time pulls on the incision and it may hurt or at least irritate her so that she doesn't want to stay in that position for very long.

Winnie probably was trying to tell you that she needed to go potty outside since she peed on the rug next to the door that you take her outside. She associates that door with going potty outside so at least she made a valiant attempt. ;-)
thanks for the notes about tending the area.. we really haven't seen her doing that and it is all dried up now and has been all day (a good sign i think). We do go back in a week from today to have the stitches removed. She really is just not interested in the whole thing (more annoyed that she was shaved and that I won't let her do anything) I did take her on a short walk today (4 houses down and back) because she just had way too much energy and i think a slow walk is better than her jumping all over the kitchen.

she had another accident inside today when dad came home. she has never had excitement pee problems before, and we are approaching slowly and calmly because of the jumping. I just hope the peeing problem isn't permanent as she had been accident free for months before the surgery.


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