injured corgi ordered to "be still" for 10-14 days -- any tips?


Poor Xylophone. He strained a muscle in his leg at the dog park and now has to spend 10-14 days "being still," which means no running, taking walks, playing, fetching, jumping, frolicking, etc.. However will the little corgi survive? X is a very active guy, and he doesn't understand why he can't go on his usual walks or go outside to chase bugs. He is already becoming sad and resentful. Yesterday I took him out in the yard to go to the bathroom and he suddenly starting FRAPing from all the pent up energy, which of course made his limp worse. After that I realized that he needs to be leashed whenever he's outside to keep him from running around (I probably should have realized that beforehand, but he generally gets enough exercise that he doesn't FRAP all that often). I told the vet about the FRAP and he has proscribed some sedatives (!!!) for the poor guy. 


Anyone gone through this before? Any tips for keeping a young corgi still, besides keeping him in cage all day? Any ideas on non-active (or no-running-around) amusements? I got him some big bones to chew on, to keep him from getting too bored. 



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It is very hard.  I had one that got her upper spine injured.  She had to stay in a crate most of the time and had to go on a leash for bathroom trips.  She was a strong willed dog and very angry with me.  She had to take dexamethazone or some steroid and had to stay in there for several weeks.  The vet recommended that I find a home for the bigger dog who accidentally hurt her while they were playing.  Get him anything his heart desires and keep him confined. In addition to the bones you got for him, is there some toy that requires hours of attention.  I hope you both can stand it for 2 weeks.

Get a wire puppy can set it up wherever you are, and gives them a little more freedom than a kennel, but not enough to do any damage.

Maybe puzzle toys like this?

Thank you for the advice. The sedatives seem to be helping make him more mellow (though he's all wobbly and blurry-eyed, poor thing), and I got him a pile of bully sticks, which he loves. I'm also keeping him confined to only a few rooms along with brief leashed outdoor breaks.


Thanks again. 

we purchased a baby pen (cheaper than if you buy one that's made for dogs) when soffie injured her acl and had to be restricted for 6 months!!  it was the perfect answer for us then.  and we still use it occassionally.  for example, we went camping a couple weeks ago and it was great to have to keep the "kids" confined while putting up the tent and during other activities around the campsite.  here's a photo taken on that trip!    Quick healing Xylophone!!!


I am currently going through this with Franklin, and had to keep him quiet for 8 weeks when he was about 8 months old. As much as I hate the idea, I really can't say enough about using the sedatives. I hate having a zombie corgi, but the alternative tends to be longer and longer recovery period. I also got him about a million interactive toys to keep him busy. He is currently on week 3 of "keeping quiet" for a broken toe and now damage from a splint that was too tight. I have had to resort to a sedative cocktail that seems to work well. For Franklin, when I give him the sedatives he doesn't seem so depressed about not getting out to play. When I don't give the sedatives he gets depressed and resentful. He's used to at least an hour of off-leash running and swimming everyday so this has been really hard on him. With the interactive toys make sure to cut his food back since you will be giving a lot more treats.
Baby gate him in a small room or invest in an x-pen. Rosie was confined for many months due a shoulder injury and knee injury that occured while she was recovering from shoulder surgery. We have no clue how she hurt her knee since she was in the x-pen. Maybe a slip. I filled Kongs or Kong wanna-bes with the cheap WalMart brand of cheese in a can, stuffed in some kibble, and then froze them. We would keep her on a leash in whatever room we were in so she didn't feel abandoned. Remember, no jumping on furniture. Chew toys were good. Teach him tricks that don't require much movement. Rosie made it just fine and didn't suffer any ill effects, mentally, from the confinement. Just be sure to spend time with him so he knows he's loved.


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