Cris Pesut
  • Female
  • Fresno, CA
  • United States
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Cris Pesut's Friends

  • Amy and Korben
  • Jennifer Brianne
  • Ciara & Macy
  • Darlene & Emma

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Cris Pesut's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
I've been owned by a beautiful, willful, headstrong fluffy Cardigan named Winifred. She and I spend our days hanging out, playing ball and testing the human's patience. Wouldn't change it for the world, she's the 'heart of my heart'
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Red and White large boned, yes boned and not fat, fluffy who was born in March 2010 by a breeder in Lompoc who had to remove her from her first owners. They evidently had an Aussie that didn't get along with her. I was lucky enough to be able get her at 6 months of age and be the one who officially named her. Since she was going to be spayed I sought an old Welsh name with some meaning to us...Winifred it turns out was the Welsh Patron Saint of Virgins...that was since Oct. 7, 2011 she's been officially Black Bird's Coral Winifred, AKA Winnie. She's a chewer, huntress, guardian,love bug who's stolen our hearts. Oh unfortunately it seems she's got a drop of CUJO under that fluffy coat, she doesn't go looking for trouble but will certainly not back down if it comes looking for her. I wish she was more social I'd love to have a second Corgi for a playmate for Winnie.
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At 10:41am on November 12, 2013, Amy and Korben said…

I am totally swamped right now but hopefully in the next month things will calm down and we can get these silly bunny butts together!

At 6:19pm on October 29, 2013, Amy and Korben said…

I don't even remember how I found Willa's page but I am totally addicted too.  Whenever I show my husband a picture aall he does is roll his eyes.  Korben doesn't do too well will smaller dogs so it would definitely need to be trial and error.  He's always been the smallest so when he gets a chance to be the boss, boy does he!

At 8:00am on October 01, 2013, WhiteDove gave Cris Pesut a gift
At 12:58am on September 30, 2013, Geri & Sidney said…

Welcome Cris and Winifred!

At 11:54am on September 15, 2013, Darlene & Emma said…

I know what you mean about the heat, Emma goes with me every morning to take my daughter to school and to pick her up. It's so hot and I have to keep the window down for her so it's even hotter in the car! Once it gets nicer outside; yes it would be great to meet and see how it goes. Fig Garden is dog friendly and so is the Tower District. I have taken her to both places during the mornings. I do not work so I"m home all the time. I have never taken her to the Van Ness xmas walk she would go crazy with all the other dogs around. LoL Tower has a Boo walk and again she has never gone. So maybe this year I will try with the Boo walk (she is 6 yrs old). Emma gets along fine with Male dogs and females if they are young (wonder why that is) She does not snap, she just rolls over and that's when she gets stepped on by bigger dogs LoL you can email me or call me anytime @ garciapr99@yahoo,com or 559 478-3336  Thanks, Darlene and Emma

At 8:55am on September 15, 2013, WhiteDove said…

 photo corgipaws5template4.jpg

At 4:45pm on September 13, 2013, Ciara & Macy said…

Welcome to MyCorgi!(:


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