2013 Wisconsin Corgi Picnic

Event Details

2013 Wisconsin Corgi Picnic

Time: September 7, 2013 from 1pm to 5pm
Location: Jefferson County Dog Park (Small Dog area)
Website or Map: http://www.jeffersoncountywi.…
Event Type: picnic, &, funraiser
Organized By: Flicker
Latest Activity: Oct 23, 2013

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Event Description

2013 Wisconsin Corgi Picnic @ the Jefferson County Dog Park (small dog area) located on Hwy. 26 between Jefferson and Johnson Creek.
Bring your Corgi and family for a day of fun!
Items will be raffled off with proceeds going to both CorgiAid, Inc. and FaeriLand Corgi Rescue.
Raffle ticket prices are $1 = 1 ticket, $5 = 6 tickets.

Please bring your Corgi and a dish to pass.
Cost is $5/dog (payable to the Jefferson County Parks & Rec Dept.)

For questions or to be e-mailed a copy of the flier please contact Andrea at:



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Comment by Angela Kau-Forsberg on October 23, 2013 at 5:01pm

Because I am slow, here are the photos I took from the event: http://mycorgi.com/photo/albums/wisconsin-corgi-meetup-2013

Comment by Maureen McMahon on September 9, 2013 at 1:24pm

Thank you to everyone who worked to put the picnic together.  It was our first year and we loved it!

Comment by Becky S on September 7, 2013 at 11:01pm
Hope your Lily is betgter soon,my Lilly just had some GI issues as well,,, Great day today ot the picnic, Big kudos so everyone who put in some much time and work to coordinate this.. thank you so much.
Comment by Eric on September 7, 2013 at 11:19am

Unfortunately Lily is not eating and cannot keep anything down, so she will be visiting her least favorite place, the vet. Unfortunately will not be able to attend (Jaxson is giving the stink eye to Lily for making him miss this)

Comment by Angela Kau-Forsberg on September 6, 2013 at 6:55pm

 Here is the street view!

Comment by Angela Kau-Forsberg on September 6, 2013 at 6:55pm

I had trouble finding how to get to the dog park. So I studied the site map and google maps and found it, complete with street view to show the sign that says dog park this way.  So here's some google directions to get to there!

Comment by Flicker on September 5, 2013 at 7:47pm

A few more notes about Saturday (sorry I keep thinking of things as people ask me questions lol)...

There is a doggie water fountain at the dog park within the enclosure so you shouldn't need to bring a special dish and water (unless you really want to). It is a large hand-pump well pump (very neat), all you need to do is pump the handle and it will pour water into dog dishes.

Also, depending on which weatherman you want to believe, it may be a bit warm on Saturday so I will be bringing my doggie pool and setting that up. So if you Corgi is a water baby you may want to bring a towel for them.

If anyone has any additional questions please do not hesitate to ask!! :) Counting down the hours till Saturday!!!

Comment by Flicker on September 4, 2013 at 5:19pm

One last quick note about Saturday as I have had a few questions pop up...

The cost to get into the picnic is $5.00 PER DOG. That fee is paid to the Jefferson County Dog Park. As you enter into the enclosure there are actually 2 gates you will need to go thru. Once you pass thru the first gate there will be a podium, just lift the lid and inside will be a short form and an envelope. Simply fill out the form and place it and your money into the envelope and to the left of the podium will be the metal drop box.

We will also be selling tickets for our Raffle For Rescues. Ticket prices are $1.00 per ticket OR $5.00 for 6 tickets. We also have a special item up for raffle. A print called The Rainbow Bridge donated by Lee Ann Flynn and the artist Donald Vann. The print is signed and numbered by the artist and has a value of $150.00. Tickets for this raffle will be $5.00 each. Here is a picture of the print:

Comment by Flicker on August 31, 2013 at 3:48pm

Here is my post from the MyCorgi Cheesehead Corgi Group and Facebook page, just in case you are not a member and missed it.

Well, there is exactly ONE WEEK till the picnic! Are you excited? I have just a few little notes and reminders about the picnic.

As for dishes I will have an area set up with ice on the table for dishes that will need it, but space is limited. Also, there is no electricity so if you plan on bringing a hot dish/croc pot I recommend you wrap it foil and bring a foil lined cover to keep it warm. Drinks will be provided.

I still do not (to my knowledge) have anyone willing to come an hour early (noon) to help set up. Basically it is going to be myself, my mom and my dad. I REALLY REALLY would like some help!! There are tables, chairs and several EZ ups that need to be set up. I also need help for the tear down.

Please keep in mind that we are at a dog park, so items left on the ground can become fair game for little leg hikers to pee on. Please use caution when setting items like bags/purses/etc. on the ground.

If you see a poop, please scoop--even if it isn't your dog! The Jefferson County Dog Park has been wonderful to let us use their park on multiple occasions (and has always said we have done a wonderful job on picking up and keeping it clean) and I would like to continue to use the park and part of that means picking up any garbage or messes left by others or dogs. The park does provide poop bags if you need one and I will also be bringing some along as well and leaving them on various tables. I will also have a garbage can within the enclosure for non-poop garbage and one for cans.

There will be X-Pens set up to the side of the picnic (still within the enclosure). They are there for dogs who may need a break. Like kids, sometimes they can become too excited and forget their manners and may need a 10 minute break to relax a bit. We also have several certified dog trainers in attendance to keep an eye on things. If you are asked to give your dog a break, please do not become upset. We will not ask you to leave. If you would like to continue to enjoy the picnic you may use the X-Pens, or may leash your dog. If you see your dog in the X-Pen it simply means we couldn't find you. Again, PLEASE DO NOT BECOME UPSET, it really isn't that big of a deal. When you have 40+ dogs running together sometimes arguments and disagreements can happen. We have yet to have any escalated incidents or all-out fights and I would like to keep it that way.

Lastly, HAVE FUN!! This is the SIXTH year we have held this corgi picnic and every year we grow. I hope we can continue to keep having this picnic and keep building our Corgi Nation! Can't wait to see you all!!!

Comment by Flicker on August 31, 2013 at 3:45pm

Thank you so much Jamie!!

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