Illinois Corgi Picnic - Freeport

Event Details

Illinois Corgi Picnic - Freeport

Time: September 11, 2011 from 12pm to 5pm
Location: Friends Forever Dog Park
Street: 966 Rudy Road
City/Town: Freeport, Illinois
Website or Map:…
Event Type: corgi, meetup, and, picnic
Organized By: Illinois Corgis
Latest Activity: Sep 12, 2011

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Event Description

Illinois Corgi Picnic

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Noon to 5pm

Friends Forever Dog Park, Freeport, Illinois

Potluck Lunch


Welcome Corgi Lovers!


Everyone is invited to join us for an afternoon of Corgi fun!

We will be meeting Sunday, September 11 at Friends Forever Dog Park in Freeport, Illinois.  This 10-acre park includes an agility course, an area just for smaller dogs, and a huge pond. The park is fenced so your dog can run, play, socialize off leash and go for a swim! This park was chosen by Pet Fancy Magazine as one of the top dog parks in the country! 

Check it out!


There will be a potluck lunch.  Plan to bring something to share with the group.  I hope there are some good cooks out there!  Otherwise, pick up some potato salad, brownies, or picnic food from your favorite grocery.  Also, bring your own drinks and table service (plate, silverware, napkin, etc.).  Other items you might want to bring are lawn chairs, coolers, sunscreen, dog towels, etc..  Whatever you do, don’t forget the Corgis!


To enter the dog park each participant must show a current rabies tag and proof of current vaccinations for each dog.  DHLP is required.  Bordetella is recommended, but not required. There is a $5 fee per dog for a one day pass.  Daily passes are available at the information booth or in the shelter office the day of the picnic.  No puppies under the age of 4 months are allowed in the dog park.  There is a maximum of 2 dogs per adult.  To read more information about the Friends Forever Dog Park rules or to download the form for admittance prior to your visit, go to the following link.


The Friends Forever Dog Park is located at 966 Rudy Road just south of Freeport, Illinois. Watch for the signs on Highway Route 26.  The Friends Forever Humane Society is a shelter for homeless animals which is also on the premises. Please bring an item to donate to their shelter.  A list of suggestions from the shelter is at the following link.



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Comment by LA Stewart on August 29, 2011 at 6:03pm

I am so glad that you can take some video.  It is fun to see the pictures, but the video really shows how much fun the dogs are having.

I like the way Darcie added music to the video and edited it as well. 

If you watch it again, you can spot my dogs at the end.  They are the two red headed tri Pems next to the brindle Cardi.  My two are all over that video, but that is the easiest way to spot them.

Comment by Lisa and Izzie on August 29, 2011 at 11:02am
I have a video and still camera combo charged and.ready!!!!
Comment by Bradly and Jenny Boesen on August 29, 2011 at 9:04am

@ LA Stewart

Sad story about the terrier.  When Leena plays with Jenny's parents' golden, they do play rough, but she does most of the pouncing.  Either way, I'll keep a better eye on them when they play.  I'd hate for Leena to get injured.  By the way, that picnic looked awesome!  The dogs looked like they were having so much fun.

Comment by LA Stewart on August 29, 2011 at 7:51am

Hey everybody...

Bring cameras and video if you have it.  At the last Corgi picnic I went to someone put a great video on  It was so great to see all the Corgis running and playing together.  Here is the link ...

Comment by LA Stewart on August 29, 2011 at 7:45am

@ Bradly and Jenny

Your comment is sort of picnic related.  With dogs her own size she will probably do better.  Also, when I have seen Corgis in a group, they seem to play very well together.  Someone told me once that they play well together because Corgis are meant to work together as herders and have to cooperate when herding sheep. Also my dog trainer said that they have the same style of play so they understand each other.

Personally, I also think that it is good to have same size dogs playing together.  We also let our 2 Corgis run with the big dogs, but I keep an eye out for dogs being too rough.  A friend of mine had a 90+ pound lab mix and a 15-20 pound terrier mix that played together all the time.  One day the small one would not come when called from the backyard.  They found that it's back was broken.  The 2 dogs got along, so they think the large one just pounced too hard. Now I am rambling again.


Comment by Bradly and Jenny Boesen on August 28, 2011 at 11:20pm
This is non-picnic related, but Leena go into Jenny's parents'  neighbor's backyard today to see the St. Bernard and other dog (not sure of the breed, but big).   We heard yelping and ran out to see her running back and forth, being chased (playfully) by the two dogs.  She was freaked out scared, but not hurt.  I think she did not really understand going over would involve not being able to get back without help, and she wasn't ready to be chased.  Poor thing. 
Comment by LA Stewart on August 28, 2011 at 10:18pm

I told myself that as long as there is no rain, I won't complain about the weather no matter how hot it is.  (However, I hope it is cool, too.)

When we went to the Wisconsin picnic, NOAA weather said it was a 60% chance of rain that day.  We got rain driving up and it rained again while we were at the hotel after the picnic, but it was dry during the picnic.  Of course, it was HOT, HOT, HOT!  It was one of those July days that was around 100 degrees with the heat index.  Still I had a good time because my Corgis were having so much fun.


Comment by Bradly and Jenny Boesen on August 28, 2011 at 9:53pm
Again, no problem.  We're glad to give the heads-up.  Looks like highs will be in the 70's starting next weekend.  Hope it holds up and is nice and cool for the picnic.
Comment by LA Stewart on August 28, 2011 at 8:03pm

Thanks for the heads up on the flies.  They always go for me!

My husband always says that he does not need bug spray, he'll just sit next to me!  The bugs eat ME and so they never touch him.  I will bring bug spray.

I noticed the last couple weeks have been bad around here and also when I was in Iowa.  Maybe it is just the time of year.  Cross your fingers that maybe in 2 weeks their time will be up.

Thanks for all the info.

Comment by Bradly and Jenny Boesen on August 28, 2011 at 6:41pm
There isn't really a great shaded place for us to eat.  I really don't have a suggestion.  Also, there are "biting flies" that fly from ground to knee level.  Not sure if mosquito spray works for those, but long pants may help.

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