My Corgi Kona weighs 9lbs at 5 months. Im really curious to know when other corgis stopped growing. From what I hear, they grow bigger until a certain point and start putting on weight after. Anyway, it would be nice to know other owners' experience.

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i am wondering the same thing. bailey is 13 weeks and weighs 12 lbs (mine sounds to be a gigantic pup compared to yours)!!!!!!
My Eowyn grew 'longer' than taller or wider until she was about a year or so. Now she's putting on weight and looking gooooood! She's almost 15 months old now. Her ruff is getting fuller and so is her face. I'm going to have to get her a new collar soon, she's on the last hole with the one she has now! She's getting more chest hair too and really getting that 'corgi' look. I just hope she doesn't explode! =P
(( Replying in my twin's account! Sorry! ))
They sound adorable, I would love to show my Eowyn but, sadly the breeder I got her from was very irresponsible and didn't bother to register his pups in the AKC, but used the ACA in which most puppy millers use. So I think he was producing pups for money AKA puppy mill. =( Anywho, I've heard that most Corgis still grow and mature until they are 18 months old. Eowyn is about 15 months old and still has a 'puppy manner'. So hopefully she'll keep growing out that lovely coat she is getting. <3 Hope your boys fill out nicely!
Physically they continue to grow until they are about a year of age. For a year or two after that you will see a physical maturing, a developing of muscle and a full adult coat.
Daisy just went to the vet and she weighs in at 14 1/2 lbs at 4 months. The vet told me that she will probably be smaller than 25 lbs, though. When do they stop growing?
It does sound like Kona is going to be pretty small if she's only 9lbs at 5 months. Ginny is 5 and 1/2 months and about 20 pounds. She's lean, and will probably still put on another 5 or 6 pounds.
Roscoe is 14 pounds, and he's 16 weeks. Sounds huge compared to yours!
SIdney is 21 punds at nine months old. He's still puppy-lean.
I have small Corgis also. Chloe before she got preggo was about 16-17lbs and she is 19mos now. She is pretty much grown now so it's clear she will be a small dog. Louie on the other hand is 23lbs and is 13mos. So he will be closer to breed standards but still on the smaller side.

At first i was worried to then as i met other corgi owners and did more research I found that there are alot of smaller Corgis out there. I personally think AKC should review the sizing and wheight when it comes to their diffinition of the breed standard
Thank you so much for the input guys. Thats why I think this site is so useful, I can actually ask all the corgi owners.
"I personally think AKC should review the sizing and wheight when it comes to their diffinition of the breed standard."

Breed standards exist so that Corgis look like Corgis, Chihuahuas look like Chihuahuas, Great Danes look like Great Danes, and so on. If breed standards became looser, or didn't exist, then all dog breeds would regress back to looking like their common ancestor, the wolf. There would be no distinction between breeds. That's why reputable breeders try to maintain the integrity of their breed by breeding only the best examples of dogs that fall within AKC published standards.

PWCCA Code of Ethics number 1 priority for Breeders: Agree that the prime objective for breeding the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is to produce animals of exceptional quality. To that end, only breed dogs and bitches of sound temperament and structure, good health, and characteristic type as described in the American Kennel Club’s (AKC) approved Official Standard for the Pembroke Welsh Corgi.
Yea i agree with you for the most part.

My statement had more to do with that as most dogs nowadays are kept as pets instead of show and what their original purpose was. Dogs that are border line AKC standard are more common.

I personally dont think purpose breeding is that important anymore as dogs have taken more of a pet role than a helping hand when work needs to be done in which case having a dog conform to standards played a more vital role. Plus who really has the right to deem a dog acceptable or not. It's like telling people they shouldn't have kids because they are not 6ft tall, blonde and good looking (extreme example maybe but you know what i mean) As much as I enjoy purebreeds, appreciate the hard work that goes into them and like to watch the occasional dog show. i can't help but think that having such strict guidelines and people being so stuck on them is not as important anymore. Plus it keeps people from adopting what for the most part are good dogs (temperment, health etc etc etc) which i think are more important instead of being passed up just because they dont fall into a breed standard

Thats just my thoughts. Im not trying to get into an argument on whats proper or not.


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