What are your corgi names? and their nick names?

My corgis are Mocha and Vienna, we named them after coffee drinks, vienna is actually a blend of turkish coffee :)

Nick names:
harry butt, bunny butt, miss fatty, mocha latte, frappochino, vienna sausage, fat rabbit, double mint twins (when they're together)

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My cardi Skeezix has a couple "official" names: Social's Skeezix and AKC Champion Social's Skeezix. No one, not even Skeezix himself uses those. So . . . his name is Skeezix, but he also is known by Skeez, Skee, Skeezy, The Seezman, The Skeezalator, Skeezy, Gonzo, Skeezoid, The Skeezmeister, SkeezixBeezix, Beezer, SkeezerBeezer, and The Skeezster.

Of course, Skeez has yet to turn 2, so his name hoard is only now starting to develop some "stature"--My Miss Emily who just Crossed the Rainbow Bridge 8 weeks ago at 9 had many, many names.

Her official one is Social's Indigo Girl. Her True First Name is Emily, but she has many other ones as well: The Divine Miss Emily or the Divine Miss E, The Emulator, Emmy, Emily Pemmilee Pam, Emily Ann, The Brat Weasel, Scram-i-ly, Eeyore, EezyBeezy, Eezer, Beezer, EezerBeezer, Winkie, Miss Winkitink, Wezalous, Weezer, PantsWeasel, FoxWeasel, Sweetie Emilete

Her favorite saying is: I'm Emily, Emily's ME!!

And her poem is "Emily, Emily, Emily Ann. If she can't do it, NOBODY can!!"

What do you suppose people who don't love animals think? Do we care???
Me and my boyfriend named Toki after the cutest/most awesome guitarist Toki Wartooth. Her full name is Toki Maru Wartooth. We got Toki Maru from the ninja in Tenchu, Riki Maru, since she is some what ninja like if ninjas were really clumsy and couldn't jump. She also responds to Pudge, since her dads name was Pudge and it really fitted her too. She goes by Pudgeykins, Maru, Toke, Tokerton (a Scrubs shout out), Puff, Puffers, and Little Jabba.
This is a great topic!! My little Bailey thinks her name is Corgi. Lol!! That's what I call her the most is just my little Corgi. She gets Corgster, Corgmeister, Tiny Dancer, Bailey Butt, or Bailey Lady. I'm sure she calls me 'person' or 'human'. Then there is Cheech. He's usually my Cheechum! I HATE it when people call him Cheche.

As far as how I got their names....well my Ex-Husband named Cheech and my mother named Bailey after Bailey's Irish Cream. Yep, I do realize that I'm living with a stoner and an alcoholic.
My Cardigan is named Finnigan. We had the name picked out long before Finn was born but it's perfect for him. I wanted an Irish name because I am mostly Irish and Finnigan was the name of a character (don't laugh, it was a long time ago) that we created in a roll playing game we ran at one time so we both really liked the name.

For short we call him Finn though he actually seems to respond better to Finnigan. His nick names from me are Bubba, Little Bubba, Harry Mary Puppins, Puppins, Finny Guinea Pig, Finny Ginny, Baby Dog and Monster. My husband calls him Little Boy and Finegar. Whew, what a list!
I have many for my Katie Bear. I call her, Miss B, Bear, Fuzzy Butt, Little Boo, Boo, Puppy Doo (because she is a puppy and she does a lot of doo.)
My guy is Gryffyn, aka little man, mr. man., biffer noodle, biffy, gryf gryf, and I'm sure there are others, but can't recall them right now :)
Molly was named after the matriarch of the Weasley family (for her gorgeous red hair) :o) Her nicknames include: Molly Wolly, Bunny Butts, Frito Feets, Punkin Pie, and Knock It Off!.
We named our boy Midas. Usually we call him mighty, mighty butt, mighty man, king mighty, chunckers, moo cow, or mr. wiggle butt! They all fit him very well.
We have Violet - her AKC registered name is Simons Hope's Violet Ilotte....her nickname is Vi-Vi. And we have Magnus....his AKC registered name is JS Magnus Primus which means "The Magnificant One" in latin. We call him Mag or Mah-Mah. I have to wonder what our neighbors think.......we also refer to them as the "bunnies" - we don't actually have dogs, just the "buns". Or "puplets". My co-workers really think I need to get a life.
Baxter is the baby his nickname is "peeps dog" and "Sir peeps a lot" for obvious reasons! Butterball is the big brother he has a couple of nicknames "Butternut squash" Squash" and "SpongbobsquareINthepants" Good to see we are not the only ones who nickname our pupps!
Potus stands for President of the United States. It's not to be an insult to the President of the U.S., rather my family loves the West Wing. My mum originally wanted to call our pup Sam, because that's Rob Lowes character in the show and she thinks he's cute. But I wanted a more original name, my brother suggested Potus, which is used in the 1st episode of the show to refer to the president. I loved it, and so Potus got his name.

It being an unusual name we constantly have to explain what it means, and people often mishear us and think his name is Otis. But we love it, and so does our vet. She's so thankful when she sees pets with original names!

His nicknames are varied, mostly 'Po'. Sometimes he gets his full name if he's naughty,and Fatty although he's quite thin. My brother calls his Stupid, but in an endearing way. His also been known to be called Fluffy Butt, as well as Carol for awhile, because his butt hait developed a little flick like the characters hair on the Brady Bunch.
We call ours shorty. Not very creative...:)


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