i took my corgi on a trip with me to visit family/friends, alot have dogs, neeka actually attacked my moms jack russel MANY times, i had to keep them seperated, it wasn't just her starting it but the worst was when my moms dog was eating and neeka attacked her and made her bleed. so i took her to my bfs moms and she did the same thing, attacked her dog who is twice the size for food and toys. she also attacked my brothers dog (a huge lab) for a toy, the lab held her down but neeka still kept snapping at her while playing. she also played VERY rough (no bitting like with smaller dogs) with my dads huge great dane. so im not sure if its a dominance issue. she has never once shown aggression towards any other person or dog before this, except when she was really little she snapped at my bf when she was eating, she got in big trouble and we fed her out of our hand for a while after, and i still do occasionally. im confused on what to do..we are moving and she needs to stay with family for a couple days but i cant have her attacking all other dogs. she got better as days went on and only attacked other dogs when i was around since i have been home and she is still down there with my bf she has only gotten in one fight with another little dog over food..so is it something im doing wrong? (also ive told everyone to feed her seperate since the first time but she looks so sweet and innocent no one believes me and they feed them together anyways)

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Yes, you are right definately feed seperate, especially since you know food is going to start trouble! I am sorry I cant be any more help, but I am sure you will get other responses.
yeah i have definitly been telling people to feed seperatly, but since im not there now i can't really enforce it, she apperently only fights over toys when i am around. she doesnt even want to play with them..just hide them..
Except you know your dog the best and people should respect you for that! I would make it known that you want them fed seperately because you dont want to see or pay for what would or could happen!


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