I put this in corgi health because it may be a serious risk to my corgi's health if she gets into the cat-box one more time.
I know many of you have cats. What do you do to keep the pup out? Do you have an auto-box? Which one?

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we have 4 cats and our little Harry is not allowed upstairs, where we have a litter box, and for now, we gate the kitchen where the other box is. he is still a pup so it is hard to keep him away from that and the cat food so we have to use the baby gate. plus as if that is not bad enough, right now he likes to eat his own poop!! we are giving meds to try and stop that but you actually have to let him eat it in order for the meds to work! insane! lol
Good Luck!!
Feed him little bits of pineapple. It keeps them from eating their own poop. You also won't have to waste money on ridiculous medications.
I have covered litter boxes. Two of them but we are only using one for now. This concerns me as well. I hope that someone can give advice on keeping our pups out of the cat's poo.
At various times I have used different strategies.
One was a plywood piece shaped like an upside down "T" with the catbox on the arm inserted into the foot well of a desk. The stalk of the "T" needs to be high enough that the dogs can't get over it but low enough that the cats can.
Another was a deep tote that the cat could jump into but the dog wouldn't.
Currently we use a baby gate to keep one side of the house dog free and that's where the boxes are.
Kitty litter can be harmful?? I've read in reviews about the doggie litter... for dogs that potty in the house they go in their litter box instead of outside. Some people like it for the rainy days, etc... but I some people said they just ended up using kitty litter for their dog litter box. I am guessing as long as they don't digest it, it's okay??
I keep my litter box on top of a bathroom counter in the downstairs bathroom - I rarely use that bathroom. The cats food and water is in there as well. Not as convenient an option as for some, but if you can put it somewhere he can't reach, it will help your problem.
These are all great ideas! :) I may try the T. I'm also wondering if a low coffee table with the box on top would make it just hard enough that she wouldnt try it...
Unfortunately, it's the iron in the poop that makes them eat it...my sister-in-laws dog will find a cat "present" in their yard every so often and will just munch away, happy as a clam, then of course try to give you kisses right after!! Best suggestion is to barricade the area like with a baby gate (although I never heard of feeding pineapple to deterr them...I'll have to look that up. That would be awesome if that worked!!) Or put the box somewhere your pup can't access, but the cats can. I have 3 cats and will be getting my puppy on Saturday, and we are going the baby gate route.
My corgi use to eat out of the cat litterbox when she was little. It's very bad for their health I think. She went through such an episode when she was little and ate it all the time. It scarred her teeth and they were very yellow despite she had her teeth cleaned and chewed cleaning things. They are getting whiter now since I broke her of that habit.

Everytime I caught her in it, I gave a firm no and gave her a time out in her crate. Our kitty box is in the laundry room upstairs and whenever we were in there doing laundry and she came in, I told her no and sent her out. She wasn't allowed in that room. It took quite some time to break her of that habit, but now she doesn't even think about getting into it anymore.
I think cat poop is irresistable...probably like pate' or caviar!

I have a roll away litter box, and then I turn the entrance around...the cats don't seem to have a problem squeezing around the corner.

Do you have a spare bathroom? If so, you can put it in the spare bathroom and then put a hook in the wall adjacent to the nob...hook some twine, yarn or a small chain from the the hook to the door nob.


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