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Delete Discussion my house reaks like urine, i get little wafts of it now and then, it started two days ago, so i washed EVERYthing including all clothes/blankets/floors/rugs/walls and i still get the occasional waft of it. so i washed neeka thinking maybe it was her causing the smell. everything was good until i got home from work and i can smell it again, there is no evidence she has peed anywhere and i can't seem to pinpoint exactly where it is..sometimes i think its neeka..sometimes i think its the rug..sometimes i think its a certain blanket! its driving me nuts, so today i smelt her breath, it kinda smelt like urine (i dont know if its the smell or she peed and licked it up) but i smelt it again later and it didnt! i know urine smell in dogs breath can be attributed to kidney failure and that pwc's are prone to getting renal telangiectasia but she is not even a year old, is kidney failure still a possibility? she gets spayed in a couple of days so i want to wait and ask my vet but if is urgent thing i will go tomorrow. but the thing is im not 100% sure the smell is comming from her but i can't find anything else that could cause the smell! (Also she has no other signs of drinking more water, depression ect

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omg i found the culprit! after walking around sniffing EVERYthing and looking at new things i have brought into the house, i found two bones i have given her both hartz flavor last stuffed rawhide. they smell RANK, i through them all away and brushed neekas teeth and washed her face really well. makes me think when i read the back and is says "wash hands after handling" crazy. well new question, bones that smell that bad could they have gone bad? has anyone has something smell like this? (im going to look crazy smelling the bags before i get her a bone)
I don't know if they've gone bad, but I have noticed a real stench with "hoofs". I think it's just a natural odor that's released when they chew on them. Tha's why they can only have them OUTSIDE... oh, they try to sneak them in, but know they need to drop them at the back door.
i almost got chloe one of those the day because she finsihed her last bone and i thought about trying something she hadn't had before. now i'm glad i decided against it.
the bones i usually get her are cow knuckle bones and just smell like beef jerky, i think i'll stick with those. they are as big as her head but with as much as she chews they don't really last that long


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