our Corgi is 4 months old and seems to be very prone to illness. This is the second bout with Coccidia, and this time it's bad. she keeps throwing up, and there is blood in her stool. Took her to the vet, and she's on 3 different meds, plus we can't feed her at all today, even though I know she's starving! Anyone had any experiences with Coccidia, or something similar? The vet said if she starts acting out of character, we have to bring her in for an x-ray and bloodwork, just in case she ate something abnormal. Help!

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Court had something similar...I found that he has a sensitive stomach and
cannot have any toys that are even a little spikey/sharp...
did the vet suggest rice? Court got white rice cooked and I poured a little
chicken broth on it...also skin- and fat-less chicken meat could be good,
with carrots and celery fully cooked and mashable...
do some google=ing on it, some vets have different forms of care/are open
to other treatments.
does she eat grass? if yes and you live in an apt, can you take her out and
let her lie in some grass for awhile, maybe she'll eat some if she needs it...
I've brought grass up for Court sometimes!
mostly know you are learning and doing the best you can,
and you are seeking info and reaching out!
sometimes doggies/animals aren't hungry when they aren't feeling well...
but a chicken, rice meal would be tasty and easy on the stomach...
you should verify this with your vet, and also you might want
to call another vet and ask for a second opinion on the phone
without bringing her in...they have done that for me before...
Corgi kisses from Court!
Leila, thanks for your response. Is Court's sensitive stomach due to food issues, like certain brands of dog food? She seemed ok with her food, but now I wonder if it's making her sick. Do you always feed her rice/chicken, or is there and brand of food you have found that works with a sensitive stomach? thanks so much!
well he seems to do okay with most dog food...I just have to follow what they recommend for most dogs: wait at least 30-60 minutes to feed
after exercise, esp. in the heat...they naturally run at a higher
temperature because of their double coat. Also I wait after I feed
him for at least 30 minutes before I take him out, etc.
I feed rice and chicken when he has blood in his stool(poop) or
occ. retches (sp?) and/or tries to eat grass. Allergies are possible,
food or otherwise. It took a few months with Court, as he was a rescue and was about 1 year old when I got him (now he's 1 1/2 yearsold) of being really attentive to his food, his behavior, helping him with anxiety, learning how to care for dogs/corgis/him in particular.
something that the rescuer recommended as a supplement (I get it in powder form and sprinkle a little on Court's breakfast each morning) is called NUVET. It is maybe 40 or more dollars but lasts me now 5 months (technically it's for 3 months), but it helped to heal a yeast infection he had, redness in his eyes, and his overall health...all herbs etc. however I would consider googling holistic dog care veterinarians and/or other vets and call them up and ask them to please give you a second opinion (or third or fourth!)...explain cost issues or distance...mostly love yourself first, and love her just as she is!
Erin, Your little Corgis troubles could be food related. What are you feeding her? Some dogs can't tolerate grains and many are allergic to corn. You might try transitioning her to a grain free like "Natures Variety Instinct", "Evo" or a higher quality food that does not use corn or large quantities of grains as fillers. The Chicken and rice diet suggested by Court can do wonders when the symptoms flair up and you should see results quickly. Many Vets are not well schooled in nutrition--seems odd, but true. Good luck with your little girl. I just switched to The grain free "Instinct" from Natures Variety for one of my Corgis...it is possible that it could help with an incontinence issue she has. She seemed happy on the previous food, but I am willing to try anything. At any rate, I have seen many positive changes in our little rescue after the switch even if we still have the incontinence to deal with. Keep us updated. I would also suggest a second opinion.
Thank you so much for the info! I bet the coccidia wasn't knocked out the first time, so it was probably dormant in her system until now. I hope this is her last round with it. Thanks again for all your suggestions and links, I will check them out right now!
About 3 days after we got Dax, I woke up in the middle of the night to take him out and there were 3 or 4 little puddles of diarrhea in his kennel. So of course he was covered in it (theres no worse smell, I'm telling you). I had to take him to the emergency clinic and they gave him some metronidazol(sp?) to calm his stomach and once they figured out it was coccidia they prescribed him something else to kill it. Its common in puppies and they told me its transferred through feces of affected dogs or puppies. I know I was mixing medicine in with his food for about two weeks straight, twice a day, before he got over it. Its a nasty little parasite, but definitely treatable. :) I felt so bad for the little guy, he just kept looking at me with those sad puppy eyes just crying and crying. :( good luck with getting rid of it, she'll be back to her normal hyper-active corgi self in no time. :D
Lily had Giardia (sp?) two times after we got her. The vet told us to clean out her kennel, remove and wash all her blankets, toys, and dog house. In addition, we had to rake and pick up all the loose grass, poopie, and leaves, then we made a solution of bleach water to spray down the ground. We let this dry very well ( there wasn't a horrible amount of bleach in there) and had to clean up her poop as she did it to prevent her from getting it again. The initial antibiotic did not kill it all, so she had another round and has been fine since. Now with the Coccidia, my father's dogs all got it at the same time. When I say all, I mean all 7 dogs at once. I searched and found that they recommend doing the exact process that I had to go through with Giardia (sp?) It is hectic, but you might try cleaning her bedding, toys, etc and maybe that will help get rid of this. I hope that she is feeling better soon! Poor baby and poor parents :(
Junebug had something like this, though it was never diagnosed. She was being kept with the in-laws (who had several coonhounds kenneled). The day before we came to pick her up, she started vomiting and had a bloody, gooey stool (lovely, I know). We suspected she may have picked up a bug in the pond they had. We took her home, and she was dull and kept up with the grossness. In the night, she would go di-di and walk as she was leaving it....the WORST, SMELLIEST MESS EVER!!! Ugh!!! I still gag thinking about it. I was worried because she couldn't keep any food down, but after about 3 days, she had improved and was back to her old self.
Just got some new medicine called Ponazuril, which is typically given to horses with a similar infection. Of course, they lowered the dosage for Yams, because she's only 11 lbs. I hope this stuff works! She still has blood in her stool, but I hope it clears up soon. We're giving her ID puppy food in small, frequent doses, plus some white rice. Thanks everyone for their advice!!


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