My Range is the sweetest guy in the world. But recently he's been showing some aggression issues. I didn't even think Corgi's had aggression issues I thought they're the sweetest things in the world.

First issue, he will run at a dog and challenges them with his chest, big or small. It's scary, because I'm afraid that another dog will snap at him. He's socialized. I mean we take him to dog parks, enclosed dog parks, and he grew up with other dogs. And he's never gotten bit, but he just likes over powering other MALE dogs. One time a dog trainer did warn me about his demeanor how he raises his head over other dogs, like he's challenging them. I mean I told her I knew he did that. I just thought he was a proud dog and maybe he was just trying to herd other dogs.

Second issue, he has jealousy issues. If I'm paying more attention to a dog and petting it, he will push bark or lunge at the dog and most of the time they will back off and run away screaming as Range chases them down. I just call him back if he's off leash and he'll come back. Or if he's on a leash, I'll pull him away.

These are just recent signs that I've seen him doing. Ever since he turned 1yrold. But I didn't know it was a serious issue until today, when we went to my cousin's house who had a new Husky puppy, and Range lunged at the dog, then challenged him by putting his face against the puppy's face and even had a part of the puppies lip in his mouth, as if he was ready to bite his face off. The poor puppy was so scared of him. I know now it's a serious matter. Range is not neutered yet, but we made an appointment for next week. I hope that will help. But has anyone dealt with this problem? I've seen other Corgi's and they're all very relaxed and love to play with other dogs, but Range is so rough. Is it me? Am I doing something wrong? Should I be harder on him and really set harder boundaries? Or should be nicer? Suggestions?

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Oh yeah, the neutering should help a lot! Not right away, though. It takes a few weeks (I think) for the testosterone to leave the body. There are lots of folks who will post after me who have first-hand experience with this, if I remember previous postings right.

Even with our altered dogs, we have occasional aggression issues. Bruce is terribly bossy (yaps and snaps) at our other 2 dogs, but is a perfect gentleman when meeting strange dogs. Chester is the opposite - a complete kitten at home, but lots of posturing/lunging/barking at any strange dog we meet while out on walks. Sidney (1 year old) does not really display any aggression in either circumstance. Overall, though, things are fairly peaceful with three altered males in our house.
Joanne and Keith: Neutering is important. You should also get into hardcore obedience training with Range, immediately. I own two neutered males and one spayed female and fixed leash is important in the socialization/control of my corgis. Stay away from dogparks. They are fabulous in concept yet dangerous for Range's current disposition. Remember, we love our corgis but since we are not on farms and letting them do the jobs they are ingrained to do, we must provide supervised, healthy exercise (controlled leash walking, agility lessons, walking through woods) to blow off that spitzhound steam. I would also keep puppies away from Range too, for now. He should not be allowed to interact with any dog in its formative growth year. He could, conceivably hurt any puppy. Remember, neutering is only the first step, teaching Range his place in the pack and his limits are supremely important also. Corgi kisses from Bear, Tasha and Linus (fluffybutt) and Nan Mom
Is it his age? Will he get over this? Because I see other Corgis at the park and they do fine. I guess we will just have to wait after he is neutered to see how his temperament is.
I wholeheartedly agree with everything Nancy says here. Neutering and getting him into obedience classes will be key.

Dog parks are not the best place to socialize dogs unfortunately. You should see if a positive dog training school can help you with socialization because it sounds like he wasn't socialized very well or with enough dogs (ideally puppies should be socialized with hundreds of other dogs and puppies not to mention humans).

Good luck.
I don't think his behavior has anything to do with his age. I just read yesterday (in an old book about selecting dog breeds) that corgis rank high in agression, but mostly in the area of protecting territory and alerting you to intruders. They tend not to be too physically aggressive. They are also highly trainable, which allows the owner to more easily mold behavior.

At this point, he probably thinks he's pack leader, and you've not yet effectivly shown him that aggressive behavior is unacceptable by you. Basically, obedience classes will show you how to direct him, and once you establish your leadership, your efforts in correcting aggression will go much farther. When he is around other dogs, watch closely for the first signs of dominance or agression. For the first few seconds (or less), they are very subtle, but if a correction is given then, you can prevent things from escalating and begin to curb this unsocial behavior.

Good luck, it's not always easy to fix these things, but we sure owe it to our dogs--they give us so much, they deserve to get every chance for success!
The behavior has everything to do with his age and hormones. This is right about the age most corgis start "spreading their wings" and take over the world. Your training gave you good advice when she told you that he was displaying quite dominant body language. Time to get to work and find a training class in your area. Also time to do some research on the NILF program which is easily found by doing a google search. The more you learn and train now the better your dog will be. Corgis do have a propensity to be bold and possessive but only if they are allowed to do so by their owners. I suspect when you read up about the NILF you will see that your boy is displaying many behaviors that are bolder then you know. NILF is not a training program but a way of life. Good luck to you and I can assure you that neutering will help immensely. Training is the way to go.
Range needs some pack adjustment. He thinks he's in charge. We have trained our male corgi the command BABY. So that when he is around young children who want to pet him or puppies. The command means to me extra submissive. Corgis are usually very intuned to their owners if you are the dominant person in the house. We only use BAD DOG and a scolding when he is doing something very wrong ie: chasing other dogs. Corgi's never forget. The training method here is to keep Range on a eight foot leash with choke collar in the dog park and if any agression is shown, a quick tug and your disapproval. This will need to be repeated daily, for a week. Corgis are very jealous. Our two corgis still push each other for our attention. Range is just letting you know he is the ONLY dog you should pet. Training method for this...take another person (should be someone Range respects) to the dog park. Again keeping Range on the leash with choke collar, have the other person hold the leash and you pet other dogs. When he growls or starts to be upset, pull him back to a sit and again state your disaproval, BAD DOG, NO. Then when the other dog is gone. Pet Range and give him lots of love. Again, if repeated daily, a week should do it. Range thinks he knows best and needs your guidance to change his behavior. Don't delay, an aggressive dog can be dangerous. Good luck. Corgis are very smart and never forget. With training agression can be stopped.


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